1. Academic Continuation Evaluation (ACE)
    1. Academic Continuation Evaluation (ACE)
    2. Timing for the evaluation
    3. Possible outcomes
    4. Eligible to Continue
    5.  Academic Warning
    6. ACE for Special Students

Academic Continuation Evaluation (ACE)

The Academic Continuation Evaluation (ACE) is performed at the end of each term and assesses a student’s status in their degree. This framework is designed to provide leniency in the first year of studies while new students adjust to the University experience and it encourages incremental progress towards your degree requirements. The regulations governing ACE can be found in Section 3.2 of the Undergraduate Calendar. ACE replaces the Academic Performance Evaluation (APE).

Academic Continuation Evaluation (ACE)

  • ACE is a term-by-term assessment of the student’s status in their degree.
  • The evaluation is based on the student’s Overall CGPA, and checks whether the student is meeting the threshold for continuing in their degree. The table in Section 3.2.6 of the Undergraduate Calendar details the minimum Overall CGPA required according to the student’s degree and the number of credits completed.
  • Programs that include a Major CGPA still have minimum requirements for graduation, which can be found in Section 3.4.6 of the Undergraduate Calendar.
  • Some programs have additional requirements that are assessed in ACE along with the Overall CGPA. These could include a Major CGPA, a Core CGPA, or minimum grade requirements for certain courses. Section 3.2.7 of the Undergraduate Calendar has a list of programs with special ACE rules and details about how students are assessed in these programs.

Timing for the evaluation

  • The first ACE assessment takes place when the student completes 5.5 credits.
  • Subsequent assessments take place at the end of every term in which the student completes a course.
  • The ACE process occurs at the end of every term, and students will be evaluated at the end of the Fall, Winter, and Summer terms, as needed.

Possible outcomes

  • The possible outcomes of ACE are Eligible to Continue (EC), Academic Warning (AW), Eligible to Continue in Non-Honours (CN), Required to Withdraw for Two Terms (WT), Continue in Alternate (CA), Dismissed from Program (DP), and Required to Withdraw for Two Years (WY).

Eligible to Continue

  • If the student meets the minimum Overall CGPA when they are evaluated, they receive an ACE decision of Eligible to Continue (EC).

 Academic Warning

  • Falling below the minimum requirement usually leads to a decision of Academic Warning (AW). Under ACE, students can remain on Academic Warning for multiple consecutive terms, until their Overall CGPA is high enough for Eligible to Continue.
  • After being placed on Academic Warning, in subsequent evaluations the student will have a Term GPA calculated in addition to the Overall CGPA. The Term GPA is defined in Section of the Undergraduate Calendar.
  • If the Overall CGPA remains below the minimum required for Eligible to Continue, but the Term GPA is equal to the minimum required Overall CGPA, the student can remain on Academic Warning until their Overall CGPA is sufficient for Eligible to Continue. If the Term GPA is not sufficient, this leads to an ACE decision of Required to Withdraw for Two Terms (WT), Continue in Alternate (CA), Required to Withdraw for Two Years (WY), or Dismissed from Program (DP), depending on the student’s program.

ACE for Special Students

  • The Academic Continuation Evaluation also applies to Special Students. Undergraduate Calendar Section 6.6 explains the ACE process for Special Students.
  • The first assessment takes place after completing 2.0 credits after the most recent admission to Special Studies.
  • Subsequent evaluations take place at the end of each term in which a course has been completed.