Damian Vicino, a student at the Advanced Real-Time Lab (@ARSLab; http://cell-devs.sce.carleton.ca/ars/) completed his PhD thesis in Cotutelle with the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis. Damian’s research was carried out at INRIA Sophia Antipolis and at SCE, cosupervised by Profs. Oliver Dalle and Gabriel Wainer. His dissertation focused on new methods for representing real numbers in discrete-event simulation, and he defined a new method for handling real numbers that is now included in the C++ Boost Library. His thesis was defended on November 13, 2015 (https://twitter.com/arslab_cu/status/665190405793816576 ). He is the second PhD student in Cotutelle at Carleton University. Further information about the Cotutelle program in SCE can be found here http://www.sce.carleton.ca/dept/activities/doku.php?id=cotutelles