Tuesday, December 18, 11:45 am – 4:30 pm
Carleton University, Systems and Computer Engineering
Maker Lab, across 4460 Mackenzie Building,
Since the development of the 4G LTE standards around 2010, the research communities both in academia and industry have been brainstorming to predict the use-cases and scenarios of 2020s, to determine the corresponding technical requirements, and to develop the enabling technologies, protocols, and network architectures towards the next-generation (5G) wireless standardization. This phase is winding down as the 5G standards are currently being developed with a scheduled completion date of late-2019; the 5G wireless networks are expected to be deployed globally throughout 2020s. As such, it is time to reinitiate a brainstorming endeavour followed by the technical groundwork towards the subsequent generation wireless networks for 2030s: 6G.
We plan to organize a series of casual workshops at Carleton to instigate discussions around 6G (mainly on the wireless side, but also with impact on the core network). Since a framework does not exits for the 6G discussions at this point in time, the planned workshops will be exploratory in nature.
The first workshop (6G-PHY-FEST) will be taking place this coming Tuesday on the physical layer aspects as outlined below. The next workshop will be in February on the 6G access network architecture with a focus on aerial networks. In the Spring we will have a third workshop on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics for wireless networks.
“We are certainly at the dawn of a new era in wireless research and innovation; the next twenty years will be very interesting.” says Halim Yanikomeroglu, the Director of the Wireless Research Group at Carleton University.