In a remarkable achievement, Dr. Anastassia Gharib has been acknowledged for her exceptional academic accomplishments by being awarded the prestigious Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement for her work “Cluster-Based information-centric Wireless Sensor networks management for enhanced user security satisfaction in the Internet of Things.”


Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.

Anastassia Gharib (Member, IEEE) received the M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada, in 2018 and 2023, respectively.

She has been a Research Assistant with the Internet of Things Laboratory, at Carleton University, under the supervision of Prof. Mohamed Ibnkahla. Her Ph.D. thesis focused on information-centric sensor networks’ management using graph-powered optimization and machine learning techniques for enhanced user security satisfaction in the Internet of Things.

Dr. Gharib is the first person to receive the IEEE WIEC Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Award. Previously, she has been a Chair of IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Ottawa, which under her leadership received the global IEEE WIE Affinity Group of the Year Award, IEEE WIE Canada Group of the Year Award for Large Sections, and IEEE Ottawa Outstanding Affinity Group Award for the first time in the history, all in 2020. Her Master’s thesis was nominated for the University Medal. In 2019, she received the IEEE Canada WIE Prize and the Carleton University Student Association Teaching Excellence Award. Finally, she has been featured in the June 2022 issue of the IEEE WIE Magazine in an article titled “Myriad Applications: Gharib Finds Her Calling [Women to Watch].” She is a Technical Activities Board Representative and a Voting Member of the IEEE Women in Engineering Committee (WIEC).