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Tuesday, November 12, 2024
The Windows version of the early VirtualBox 7.x.x installers no longer include the Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable Package as part of the installer. This is due to a license change by Microsoft that changes how this can be packaged with other software. It is expected that Oracle will release an updated Windows VirtualBox... More
The SCS Linux network hosts have been updated to Xubuntu 22.04. The SCS linux network has been part of the school for more than 20 years! If you are a BCS student and taking a COMP course then you can use the SCS Linux network! Find out... More
Openstack technical support is provided by the SCS Technical Staff. In order to provide effective support, please include the following items in your email so that we have as much information as possible. WARNING: To be provided technical support, you must first: Have thoroughly reviewed the technical support articles found on our Openstack... More
Updated on April 7, 2022 What Emails Exist at Carleton? Current MyCarletonOne accounts/emails @carleton.ca aliases Historical Aliases or Accounts Confirm which emails you have Step 1: Confirm the Primary Aliases Step 2: Test all Emails and Aliases Step 3: Ask IT Support about your emails/aliases Modify Your Emails/Aliases Forward cmail to cunet My... More
VirtualBox technical support is provided by the SCS Technical Staff. In order to provide effective support, please include the following items in your email so that we have as much information as possible. WARNING: To be provided technical support, you must first: Have thoroughly reviewed the technical support articles found on our Virtual Machine... More
Computing Devices not Supported by SCS Many courses offered by the School of Computer Science, especially undergraduate courses rely heavily on Virtual Machines and other forms of virtualization. Given this, it is required that you have access to a personal computing device which supports virtualization, while completing your program in the SCS.... More
Do you need to download and installs software from the internet? Someone sent you an attachment and you want to run it? Check it first to see if its safe to use!! The best way to check for viruses is using a virus scanner. Why use a single virus scanner when you can use... More
There is a common browser scam in which a website can lock your browser session. The page typically will prompt you with a login prompt or Accept or OK button but no matter what click on the page remains active. A popular scam is the Tech Support Pop-Ups where the ad tells you that your computer... More
Phishing is the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers. Carleton University Faculty or Staff will not ask you to send account credentials via email. How can you tell if an email is a... More
If your running Windows you need at least 2 accounts: Administrator account Regular User account. For everyday work use the Regular User account! You can do much more damage if you launch an exploit as administrator than as a regular user! Sometimes you don’t even know that you have launched an exploit!... More
Have you been sent a URL and you do not know if the site has malware, is used for phishing, or has a bad reputation? VirusTotal has a URL checker that can identify problem websites before you open them:... More
SSH Connection with x2go Remote Desktop Client DEPRECATED - x2go is not used on newer images created since the Fall of 2024 - Instead use TurboVNC with our newer images Download x2go: here You can find a video demo of these instructions here: Connect to Remote Desktop via x2go (Video) Use the following settings... More