Funding Options

Funding packages

Carleton offers generous funding packages to its graduate students. When you submit your application for admission to Carleton, you will be considered for funding as part of the process. If you are eligible, you will be notified in your Offer of Admission.

Government Financial Aid

If you are a student coming from Ontario, you may be eligible for loans or bursaries through the Ontario Student Assistance Program. If you are currently living outside of Ontario, you may be eligible for loans and bursaries through your home province or territory.

International students may also wish to consult their own government website as some governments offer funding to outstanding students when pursuing their studies abroad.

Tuition and Fees

Your tuition and fees per term can be estimated using Carleton’s fee estimator. The quoted amounts include both the compulsory fees and optional non-tuition fees in their totals. Please note that the fee estimator calculates fees for a specified term.

It is also important to account for other expenses beyond tuition and fees in your annual budget. You can find more information below.