Call for Applications

Carleton University’s journalism program is creating an exceptional opportunity during the summer of 2022 for a number of its Master of Journalism, Bachelor of Journalism and Media Production & Design students to gain some income and valuable work experience.

Recognizing that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has forced the cancellation of many planned newsroom internships and other placements — along with many summer jobs — the journalism program has secured funding for awards that will support the part-time employment of a number of students who will produce content for the school’s flagship digital publication, Capital Current, including its social media streams. This summer work experience program is generously supported by Carleton’s Faculty of Public Affairs.

From the beginning of June to the end of August 2022 — while working in full compliance with public health guidelines in Ottawa or elsewhere across Canada — successful applicants will employ a range of digital reporting tools to cover news as it unfolds.

These positions are available to those who, as of Winter term 2022, were enrolled in the MJ program or in the upper years of the BJ and MPAD programs. It is understood that some students may be located outside of Ottawa. For this reason, Capital Current is expanding its traditional Ottawa-area focus for the summer to include stories from elsewhere in Canada or beyond.

One or two of the available positions may be designated for editing and overseeing social engagement activity. Students with a particular interest in these roles should indicate so in the cover letter of their application for a reporting position.

Successful applicants will receive an award of approximately $3,000 over the three-month duration of the Summer 2022 Journalism Experience. The amount is roughly equivalent to a part-time working arrangement of 15 hours per week at $15/hour for 13 weeks, though some degree of flexibility in scheduling could be considered.

Student reporters would be working with a professional editor in the assigning and publishing of stories and other content. Faculty from the School of Journalism and Communication will provide publisher oversight of Capital Current’s virtual newsroom over the course of the summer.

Anyone interested in applying for one of these positions should send a brief cover letter and resume to by May 1, 2022. Anyone with questions should also contact Prof. Boswell via email.