As of May 2021, all courses at Carleton will be hosted on D2L Brightspace learning management system.  cuLearn login access will continue to be available to the Carleton community for archival purposes and for content retrieval via the usual login page with MC1 credentials. While you will still be able to access content and information in cuLearn, no new users or courses will be added past May 2021.

Student content/data (such as assignments, student work, grades) will NOT be migrated from cuLearn into Brightspace. Direct access to cuLearn will be maintained for 1 year or more to allow students, staff, and instructors time to review/retrieve course materials, assignments, assessments, and grades.

NOTE: As always, direct access to past courses in cuLearn is dependent on whether the instructor has kept the course visible. Instructors may choose to turn courses off after the course has completed. Course access, whether in cuLearn or Brightspace, is at the discretion of the instructor.

This means that while you may be able to access and login to the cuLearn system, previous cuLearn courses may not be available if the instructor has turned the course off.

If you have logged into cuLearn and the course you are looking for is not available, please contact your instructor directly regarding access and content retrieval.

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