Tuesday, September 3, 2024Foreign Interference in a Geopolitical Context: Transnational Linkages, Diaspora Mobilisation and Grey Zone ConflictForeign Interference in a Geopolitical Context PIFI Submission The threat of foreign interference continues to grow and evolve as the geopolitical structure of the world changes. Canada is often targeted by adversaries, and allies, who seek to advance their interests through transnational means, such as mobilising diaspora groups and hybrid... MoreSaturday, April 15, 2023Central African Republic Electoral Democracy Initiative (CAREDI)Since its independence in 1960 the CAR has faced incredible instability with continual political upheavals, coups, and struggles for power. At the heart of the issue is a number of divisions in the country including political affiliation, religion, land, and ethnicity. These divisions have led to a multitude of armed groups within the CAR... MoreSaturday, April 15, 2023Haiti Water Infrastructure and Education Program (WIEP)To be implemented over a minimum of two years, the Water Infrastructure and Education Program (WIEP) is purposed with providing access to potable water and education for water safety and water treatment to Haitians. The program is oriented towards providing water infrastructure that can withstand natural disasters, provides checks on the... MoreSaturday, April 15, 2023Haitian Intervention Program for Youth (HIPY)Gang violence, fueled by corrupt and elite oligarchs has exacerbated the already declining human development situation in Haiti with a great deal of Haitians now experiencing alarming levels of food insecurity. Additionally, as gang violence expands from the occupied capital of Port-au-Prince into neighbouring areas like Cité Soleil, many youths... MoreSaturday, April 15, 2023HAITIAN OVERHAUL IN POLICING (HOP)HOP aims to improve the security and social situation in Port-au-Prince through the development an implementation of a community policing policy with the Haitian National Police (HNP). The community policing approach will contribute to moving past a system that relies heavily on punishment and force, which to date has proved ineffective, and will... MoreMonday, March 6, 2023WIDER Working Paper 2023/8 Aid effectiveness in fragile and conflict-affected contexts Lessons from more than two decades of research Aid Effectiveness: Carment Samy The objective of this paper is to focus on fragility research findings and examine what works or does not work in development aid and development cooperation in fragile and conflict affected contexts. We draw on our own research findings as well as country-level studies. We examine questions of aid... MoreSunday, January 15, 2023Haiti Fragility Brief 2023Haiti Fragility Brief 2023 The African slaves who manumitted themselves from the French in 1804 changed their nation to its Taino name: “Ayiti”, or Haiti, means “high mountains”. The uneven terrain which covers much of the country’s 27,065km2 is home to the larger half of a mountainous watershed Haiti shares with the Dominican Republic.... MoreThursday, January 20, 2022Marshall Islands Fragility Brief 2022Marshall Islands Fragility Brief 2022 Located in the central Pacific Ocean, the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) is a small island developing state (SIDS) that faces growing fragility. While not listed on most fragile state indices nor imparting negative spillover effect on neighboring countries, the RMI’s state of fragility requires... MoreMonday, January 17, 2022Venezuela Fragility Brief 2022Venezuela Fragility Brief 2022 Once the richest country in Latin America, Venezuela currently rests in a delicate equilibrium between stability and fragility. The hybrid regime and rentier state characteristics of the government have meant that institutional frameworks create false illusions of adherence to democratic processes and rule of law.... MoreMonday, April 19, 2021Policy Project REDEEM Western SaharaPolicy Project REDEEM Western Sahara Project R.E.D.E.E.M., or Repatriation and Demilitarization Established in Morocco, is a track II, inclusive, and locally-based project with an initial 5-year timeframe and the possibility of renewal. The project will endeavour to improve the stability of Western Sahara through mediation sessions and youth... MoreMonday, April 19, 2021Policy Project SUCEED SomaliaPolicy Project SUCEED Somalia The ceaseless conflict and insecurity that have continually plagued Somalia too often overshadow the people, communities, and livelihoods caught in between. Underlying these challenges are demographic stresses and socio-economic tensions that must be properly addressed for any meaningful progress to be made. With a... MoreMonday, April 19, 2021Policy Project DRIVER SomaliaPolicy Project DRIVER Somalia Somalia has been plagued with decades of political and economic instability, leading to low levels of human development and weak governance. A major source of Somalia’s fragility has been its unstable experiment with democracy. Freedom House scores Somalia with a 1 out of 40 for political rights and a 6... MoreMonday, April 19, 2021Policy Project VOTE SomaliaPolicy Project VOTE Somalia The stalled Somalia 2021 elections have the potential to worsen Somalia’s protracted conflict. The inability of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) to hold a secure and legitimate election is worsening clan divides and providing Al-Shabaab an opportunity to advance its position in the southern region of Somalia,... MoreFriday, March 19, 2021Integrity Watch Afghanistan Research Methods HandbookIntegrity Watch Afghanistan Research Methods Handbook The handbook is designed as a practical reference for researchers in the field, covering the how, what, and when of policy-oriented research. It is neither comprehensive in scope nor does it dwell on the theories underpinning its recommendations. References with hyperlinks are included... MoreMonday, December 21, 2020Lebanon Fragility Brief PresentationLebanon at the Crossroads... MoreMonday, December 21, 2020Lebanon Fragility Brief 2021Decades of sectarian politics, coupled with poor economic policies, have made it challenging for Lebanon to provide its population with basic services. The indicators are worrisome. The GDP growth rate is at -5.6% as of 2019 and the inflation rate is at 136%. Recent triggers such as the influx of Syrian refugees (1.5 million,... MoreMonday, December 21, 2020Chad Fragility Brief PresentationChad... MoreMonday, December 21, 2020Chad Fragility Brief 2021Chad's trajectory is shaped by a history of conflict, ethnic cleavages, and unequal power relations. The Chad Fragility Brief 2021current President, Idriss Deby, has been in power for 30 years and will likely stay in office until 2033. During his time in office, the President's main priorities have been maintaining his privileged position and... MoreFriday, December 18, 2020Ethiopia Fragility Brief 2021Ethiopia Fragility Brief 2021 As a cultural mosaic of over 80 diverse ethnic groups, interethnic tensions, power dynamics, and historical context are central to understanding all aspects of Ethiopia’s political, economic, and social affairs. Faulty democratic structures, declining legitimacy, persistent isomorphic mimicry, and a frail social... MoreFriday, December 18, 2020Burkina Faso Fragility Brief PresentationBurkina Faso Fragility Brief... MoreFriday, December 18, 2020Burkina Faso Fragility BriefBurkina Faso Fragility Brief 2021 For decades, the land-locked country of Burkina Faso has avoided the exogenous shocks and internal conflicts that have plagued so many of its neighbors. As a result, authoritarian rule has overseen the informal social systems primarily responsible for steady incremental increases in Burkinabé capacity. In 2014, a... MoreTuesday, September 8, 2020Fragile and Conflict-Affected States in the Age of COVID 19: A 2020 Country Indicators for Foreign Policy Report2020 CIFP Fragility Report Fragile and Conflict-Affected States (FCAS) remain more relevant than ever. After a brief period of declining fragility at the turn of the century, FCAS have become more prominent as their precarious situation worsens in a COVID 19 world. In the last decade or so, we have seen an increase in... MoreMonday, April 6, 2020Fragile States and COVID 19- Afghanistan ProjectFragile States and COVID 19- Afghanistan Project EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The upcoming intra-Afghan negotiations present an opportunity for Canada to strengthen women’s participation in the peace process. The meaningful inclusion of women in the peace process is essential for successful negotiations. Moreover, taking such initiative can strengthen... MoreMonday, April 6, 2020Fragile States and COVID19 – South Sudan ProjectFragile States and COVID19- South Sudan Project Executive Summary Strengthening the capability, capacity and cooperation of small-holder farmers is essential in this moment of South Sudan’s Nuer-Dinka coalition government. Capitalizing on this cooperation is especially needed in Greater Equatoria, where the risk of conflict between groups... MoreMonday, April 6, 2020Fragile States and COVID19 – Zimbabwe Project Fragile States and COVID19- Zimbabwe Project Executive Summary Having held the record of the highest inflation rate in the world i, Zimbabwe is struggling to develop sustainable solutions to its multifaceted problems. Food security is one of the most pressing issues faced by the population today, with high levels of malnutrition and a... MoreMonday, April 6, 2020Fragile States and COVID19 – Lebanon ProjectFragile States and COVID19 - Lebanon Project Executive Summary To be implemented over a period of 5 years, the Canadian Lebanese Agreement for Economic Success (CLAES) is tasked with aiding in the economic development of Lebanon through the promotion of anti corruption practices and cooperation between Canada, Lebanon, and other relevant... MoreSaturday, February 8, 2020Backsliding and Reversal: The J Curve RevisitedBacksliding and Reversal: The J Curve... MoreSaturday, February 8, 2020The Normandy Negotiations: Renewed Divisions at Home and Opportunity AbroadThe Normandy Negotiations: Renewed Divisions at Home and Opportunity... MoreMonday, January 6, 2020Zimbabwe Fragility Brief 2020In this policy brief we assert that Zimbabwe is mired in a fragility trap driven by weak legitimacy which, in turn, leads to capacity failures in a feedback loop that prevents the development of state resilience. Our analysis of the core CIFP indicator clusters concludes that, while state capacity is low and deteriorating in... MoreMonday, January 6, 2020Kosovo Fragility Brief 2020At present, Kosovo is experiencing a legitimacy and capacity issue in its state of affairs due to systemic isomorphic mimicry. It is trapped in a feedback loop, fostering ineffective governance, decreasing international recognition, and weak service delivery from its institutions. The primary fragility drivers are governance and economy, whereas... MoreMonday, January 6, 2020Nepal Fragility Brief 2020Since the end of the civil war in 2006, Nepal has maintained the peace, established a new constitution, held successful elections, and overall is on a trajectory towards stability and improvement of standards of living. Nepal was ranked the third most improved country on the 2018 Fragile States Index and fourth most improved for... MoreMonday, January 6, 2020Sudan Fragility Brief 2020Sudan Fragility Brief 2020 Executive Summary Sudan has ranked as one of the most fragile states in the world for the past decade. Since the establishment of the interim government in August 2019, international donors such as the EU have expressed renewed commitment to aid after years of sanctions and dwindling aid inflows. Ultimately,... MoreMonday, January 6, 2020Myanmar Fragility Brief 2020Executive Summary Myanmar is stuck in an authority-legitimacy feedback loop that has been reinforced by a rentier regime. Following the historical election in 2015 that was widely acclaimed to be free and fair, Myanmar remains a hybrid regime with horizontal inequalities along ethnic and religious lines. Bamar Buddhism and military power continues... MoreWednesday, May 8, 20192019 Ukraine Commission On Landmine And Other Explosives Alert, Notify, Educate, RemoveExecutive Summary Too often lost amidst the headlines of a conflict are the people, communities, and livelihoods caught between the major players. In Ukraine, violence between central government forces and Donbas region separatists has had profound and tragic consequences for civilian populations. Landmines and explosive remnants of war (ERWs)... MoreWednesday, May 8, 20192019 Sanitation Outreach And Accessibility Project – CameroonExecutive Summary The nation of Cameroon was formed via a merger of two distinct colonial territories, one administered by the British and the other by the French. The two territories initially joined together in 1961 as a federation called the Federal Republic of Cameroon, but in 1972 the federation was abolished in favour of... MorePage 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next » Share: Twitter, Facebook Short URL: https://carleton.ca/cifp/?p=40