Having watched and celebrated the amazing achievements of Olympians at the Sochi Winter Olympics, we now look closer to home recognize outstanding youth heroes, who are making a difference in their community, overcoming challenges and showing courage.

Nominations are open for the 17th Annual Spirit of the Capital Youth Awards and we are looking for exceptional young people to honour in 7 categories. There’s a $1000 bursary for winners and selected runner-ups receive $250.00!

Today’s your chance to nominate an inspiring young person! If you know, or are, a young person helping to make your community a better place, Youth Ottawa wants to hear from you. We invite you to nominate a young person up to the age of 21 in any of the categories before nominations close on March 31.

For more information email spirit@youthottawa.ca or visit www.spiritawards.ca

What are you waiting for? Nominate a young person now.

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