1. UHIP for Staff
  2. Enrolment
  3. Coverage and Claim Forms
  4. Exemptions and Requesting Refunds

UHIP for Staff

UHIP applies to the following groups of staff:

  • International employees working in Ontario who cannot get OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan);
  • Family members (spouse and/or children) of international students and employees who are not eligible for OHIP (separate enrollment required with the ISSO);
  • Canadian employees or other individuals who are satisfying the OHIP waiting period; and
  • Short-term visitors (international visiting researchers, visiting students, new employees, Post Docs) and their family members.

This page provides information about UHIP coverage for staff members. If you are a student with questions about UHIP, please visit our UHIP for Students page.


International short-term university visitors and employees who are here for a period of two weeks or more, are required to enrol in the UHIP plan. Enrollment is optional for stays less than two weeks. Short-term visitors include, but are not limited to, visiting researchers, visiting scholars, and post-doctoral students.

If you will be working here for a period of 6 months or longer, you may be eligible for the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) which is government-funded health insurance. There is typically a 3 month wait period for OHIP coverage to start, but in light of Covid-19 that wait period has been waived until further notice.  There is currently a shorter wait period for OHIP to start, and not necessary immediate.  Until such time as OHIP starts, you time you must enroll in UHIP. As soon as you can provide proof of OHIP eligibility, please contact the ISSO so that your UHIP can be terminated and to discuss any potential UHIP refund.

You are required to complete the online enrollment form. A payment link will be sent to you via email indicating what the UHIP premium will be. Payment will be made online using a credit card.

Coverage and Claim Forms

Exemptions and Requesting Refunds