Our team of licensed immigration advisors is here to support you with your immigration-related needs. Our website has general information and answers some common questions. However, the best advice for you will depend on your individual situation.

Our immigration advising team members are Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs). RCICs are licensed to practice by The College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC).

When to Contact Us

We hope you will contact the ISSO if you need help making an application to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) or for questions about your immigration status in Canada. You should definitely contact us in the following situations:

  • IRCC has requested additional documents for your application.
  • Your study permit has expired.
  • You want to take a break or are required to take a break from studying (not enrol for one or more terms).
  • You are thinking of withdrawing from courses. Please see the ISSO before making registration changes, so we can advise you on immigration consequences.
  • You are not sure if you can work or how much you can work.
  • You need a study permit extension and you won’t finish your program by the completion date on your original admissions letter.

Prepare to Meet an Advisor

Get the most out of your consultation with an ISSO immigration advisor by being prepared to provide information about yourself. The advisor may need to see the following documents. We recommend that you show digital versions, even if you are visiting the ISSO in-person.

  • Passport
  • Study permit – current and any that have expired
  • Work permit – current and any that have expired
  • Temporary resident visa

The advisor may also need to see your immigration application materials, screen shots of your application portal, and any communications you have received from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. They may ask about your Canadian immigration history, accompanying family members, and your short- and long-term goals related to remaining in Canada.

Your documents will not be shared beyond the ISSO immigration advising team.

You can connect with us in various ways

Email Us

Email the advising team: immigration.advising@carleton.ca. You will receive a response from the next available advisor.

Book an Appointment

Students may book a one-on-one 30-minute consultation with an immigration advisor.

Update for January 2025

Due to scheduled office maintenance, the International Student Services Office (ISSO) is offering services virtually. Members of the ISSO team will be available in-person in the Student Experience Office in 430 Tory Building from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to answer questions and get you connected to services and supports.

Most days Monday to Friday an immigration advisor will be available see students on a walk-in basis in 430 Tory Building. However, to avoid long wait-times, we encourage you use these alternatives.

Drop in to the ISSO

Our International Student Services Office is located at 128 Nideyinàn. Students may walk in between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday (except during University closure periods) to meet with the next available immigration advisor.

Contact Us

Online Learning Resources

Students may access our online resources at any time. These include detailed application guides and videos. All international students are strongly encouraged to complete the Study Permit Secrets Brightspace course shortly after their arrival at Carleton.

Virtual Information Sessions

Our team hosts various information sessions on immigration issues. On a regular basis we offer drop-in Immigration Q&As, presentations on Post-Graduation Work Permits, and an overview of Permanent Resident Pathways for international students.

Please note, while we endeavour to assist with all questions where possible, please see below for a list of items we generally assist with and a list of items that we are not able to provide guidance on.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact our ISSO immigration advisors at immigration.advising@carleton.ca.

Please note that any immigration information and support provided by Carleton’s licenced Immigration Advisors is for information purposes only, and does not establish a client-representative relationship.