We’ve launched a completely new Learning Log. It’s not only more creative and responsive – it also emphasizes your posts.

Since the Learning Log launched last year, we’ve featured stories on volunteering, academic success, extracurriculars, traveling, co-op placements and more. With our new site, these topics are growing by the day, and we want you to get involved.

By writing a log, you’re not only contributing by reflecting on your own experiences and thinking critically about them. You’re also adding to a bank of knowledge that can be used by the entire Carleton community. People who read your log will learn from and be inspired by your experiences or ideas, and then contribute their thoughts to the Learning Log. This cycle of sharing knowledge results in learning and growth for everyone.

You can contribute to the Learning Log by emailing Vanessa King at learninglog@carleton.ca with an idea for a post. Guidelines for contributions are posted on our new website.

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