This news post is more than one year old and has been retained for archive purposes. The information below may no longer be relevant.
At this time of year, many international students are thinking about applying to renew their study permits that will expire in the coming months. Many students will also change their place of residence after the end of the Winter term. By the time the study permit arrives in the mail, the student may have moved out!
A study permit application allows the option of providing a mailing address that is separate from the current place of residence. The mailing address could be the home of a friend or family member, as long as the student trusts that their study permit will be received and held safely for them.
Alternatively, students might choose to pay for Canada Post mail forwarding or holding services. Students in residence are advised to provide an alternate mailing address in their application for their study permit as the summer break approaches. If they don’t have this option, it’s important to ask the Residence Reception Desk/Mailroom ahead of time to hold the study permit for pick-up.
If a study permit does get “lost in the mail” it’s possible to apply to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada for a replacement document, but with a little thought and planning this headache can be avoided.
Questions about study permits? Contact the ISSO immigration advising team: