Global Café

April 8, 2025 at 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM

Location:482 MacOdrum Library
Audience:Current Students

The International Student Services Office invites you to join us for the Global Café, a community gathering hosted every second week. Global Café is drop-in space where you can build connections with other students in a fun and informal setting with engaging activities and warm drinks. All Carleton University students are welcome to attend!

Registration is not required to participate in Global Café sessions. If you would like to receive updates about upcoming session topics, dates, and locations, please sign up at the Global Café webpage.


Icon indicating no costs involvedIcon indicating food and drink providedIcon indicating loud soundsIcon indicating engagement expectations

The accessibility icon toolkit was created in partnership and consultation with the Paul Menton Centre to provide indicators to allow students to navigate events more effectively.