All of us at the Max and Tessie Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies are heartbroken to learn that David Shentow has passed away.

Director Deidre Butler met Mr David Shentow when he spoke as a survivor in one of the first classes she taught at Carleton in 2006. She and her students came to know him and his beloved wife Rose through his participation in the Zelikovitz Centre Carleton ‘s documentary Living History. He was tireless in his commitment to honouring the victims of the Shoah and resisting Holocaust denial at every step. His generosity of spirit in speaking, despite his staggering sorrow and pain, was humbling and inspiring. He touched so many lives and taught so many. We are all diminished with his passing. May his memory be for a blessing.

To learn more about David and his story, please watch the following video:

David’s obituary –