The Department of Law and Legal Studies is proud of all of our graduate students. We would like to take this opportunity to highlight the research of some of our recent graduates as we wish them all the best in their future endeavors. Congratulations class of 2021!
Robyn O’Loughlin, PhD

Robyn O’Loughlin
Robyn O’Loughlin is graduating this week with her PhD studies in Legal Studies. Her research analyzed teacher attitudes about bullying and whether the Ontario government’s anti-bullying framework may contribute to racism towards indigenous students in Northern Ontario. Supervisor, Professor Vincent Kazmierski, states: “Robyn’s research provides important insight into the ways in which main-stream conceptions of “bullying” that are reinforced through government anti-bullying frameworks may be reinforcing colonial education practices to the ongoing disadvantage of Indigenous students.”
Robyn will continue her research as a postdoctoral fellow at EPID@Work Research Institute at Lakehead University, funding by a MITACS Elevate PostDoctoral Fellowship.
Congratulations Dr. Robyn O’Loughlin!
Read Robyn’s full graduation story.
Monisha Logan, MA

Monisha Logan
Monisha Logan received a Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement along with her Master of Arts in Legal Studies degree. Her research is entitled “Digitally Witnessing Police Brutality: Examining the Relationship Between Police Violence, Race, and Affect in the Age of Social Media”. Her research focused on how a victim’s race influences how we as spectators view, listen, and react to their deaths online, and how that, in turn, may influence how we understand the larger issue of police violence. She approached her research by conducting a comparative analysis of social media comments that were left on two racially different cases of police brutality in the United States to see how these reactions were similar and/or differed.
Monisha will build on her MA research and continue to explore issues centered around racial justice and policing in her PhD in Legal Studies at Carleton this fall.
Congratulations Monisha! We look forward to seeing what you will achieve in your PhD research.
Sylva Sheridan, MA

Sylva Sheridan
Sylva Sheridan graduated with his Bachelor of Arts major in Law in 2019 and continued with his MA studies with us. His thesis is entitled “A Significant Negative Impact: Assessing the Link Between Historical Trauma, Indigenous Child Removal Policies, and the Disproportionate Number of Indigenous Children in the Child Welfare System”. His research area explored the intergenerational effects of the residential school system through assessing historical trauma theory in application to the overrepresentation of Indigenous children in the child welfare system. He considered necropolitical forms of governance to examine Indigenous child removal policies. Sylva selected our MA program to complete his graduate work due to the interdisciplinary nature of the Department of Law and Legal Studies. He is grateful to have had the opportunity to work under the supervision of Dr. Jane Dickson.
Sylva is actively pursuing a career in public policy. He plans to publish and continue his research, with plans to pursue a PhD in the future. In his spare time, he spends time at his family cottage in Blue Sea, QC and is also writing a novel.
Congratulations Sylva! Enjoy your break, you deserve it.