Robyn O’Loughlin
PhD Alumni
Degrees: | HBA (Lakehead University), M.Ed. (Lakehead University) |
Email: | RobynPepin@cmail.carleton.ca |
Robyn O’Loughlin is a Ph.D. alumni in the Legal Studies program at Carleton University.
Growing up in Thunder Bay, I witnessed racism against Indigenous people; I witnessed violence against Indigenous people, and I witnessed harassment against Indigenous people. As a child, I did not know what Indigenous peoples had faced – why did the larger community disregard their existence? Why were they viewed as problems? Part of the reason that I questioned this was because of the numerous deaths that had occurred in Thunder Bay that involved Indigenous students attending Dennis Franklin Cromarty High School: Jethro Anderson (d. 2000), Curran Strang (d. 2005), Paul Panacheese (d. 2006), Robyn Harper (d. 2007), Reggie Bushie (d. 2007), Kyle Morrisseau (d. 2009) and Jordan Wabasse (d. 2011). Fatalities of Indigenous youth in Thunder Bay continued and remain a problem in the community. There have been other Indigenous youth who died who were visiting the city: Josiah Begg and Tammy Keeash both passed away in 2017. Rather than address this problem at the onset, it took 10 years and seven lives (those who died attending DFC) to petition for an inquest into the reasons why those deaths occurred.
I wanted to determine whether the Ontario anti-bullying framework that was passed in September 2012 is reinforcing colonial relationships where stereotypes are perpetuated, and if and how this framework potentially impacts Indigenous students while they are in school? Are Indigenous students discriminated against despite this legislation that is purported to protect all students in Ontario schools from ‘bullying’ behavior because of educator assumptions and perceptions?
Robyn lives in Thunder Bay, Ontario with her three young children, Jasper, Aspyn and Raine.
Dr. Vincent Kazmierski
Research Interests
Indigenous studies; educational policy; labour studies; mental health
Educational Qualifications
M.Ed. with specialization in Women’s Studies (Lakehead University, 2013)
HBA Gerontology and Women’s Studies, First Class Standing (Lakehead University, 2011)
Peer Reviewed Grants Awarded
Emotional Abuse at Work: An International Research Partnership
Sanderson, K. & O’Loughlin, RA
Lakehead University Vice-President, Research and Innovation Strategic International Research Partnership Award
Bullying and Lateral Violence in the Workplace: Experiences from Nokiiwin Tribal Council Community Members
Kristman, VL & Pepin, RA
Lakehead University SSHRC Explore Fund, Indigenous Research Capacity Development (IRCD)
Tradeswomen: Potential concerns of bullying, violence and harassment in BC & Alberta
Kristman, VL & Pepin, RA
WorkSafeBC Innovation at Work
Pepin, RA. (July 2019). The Ontario Mandatory Mediation Program and its influence on Abused Mothers. In R. Jaremko-Bromwich and L. O’Brien Hallstein. (Eds.). Wives: Roles, Representations, Identities, Work. Demeter Press: Bradford, ON.
Pepin, RA. (March 21, 2016). Using Google hangout and skype to promote online learning. Educational Development Centre TA Support Blog, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON.
Master’s Thesis: Mediators’ Perspectives on the Ontario Family Mediation Process and Its Potential Impact on Abused Women and Children’s Education; Supervisor Dr. Lori Chambers
External Awards & Scholarships
Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship – Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (2012)
Canadian Home Economics Association Fellowship – Canadian Federation of University Women (2012)
Invited Presentations
O’Loughlin, RA. A spotlight on so-called bullying behaviour and the Ontario anti-bullying framework. Nokiiwin Tribal Council Annual Education Gathering. June 23-26, 2020.
O’Loughlin, RA. Safety in the workplace: Responses from Nokiiwin Tribal Council community members. EPID@Work Research Institute Speakers Series, 11-2019.
Kristman, VL & O’Loughlin, RA. Understanding Labour Force Participation. Mamowenchige Health and Safety Conference. (Podium Presentation). 10-2019
Kristman, VL & O’Loughlin, RA. Research with the Nokiiwin Tribal Council. Canadian Society of Safety Engineers Conference – Indigenous Stream. Winnipeg, Manitoba (Podium Presentation). 09-2019
O’Loughlin, RA. Proposed Post-doc Research: Bullying Purposely Left Out? Canada’s amended Labour Code and the potential impact on Indigenous workers. EPID@Work Research Institute Closed Plenary Meeting, 09-2019.
O’Loughlin, RA, Gilbeau, A, Kristman, VL. Safety in the workplace: Responses from Nokiiwin Tribal Council community members. 2020 Showcase of Health Research, Centre for Applied Health Research, St. Joseph’s Care Group. Thunder Bay, ON. (Poster Presentation). 02-2020
Kristman VL, Gilbeau A, O’Loughlin RA. Developing a culturally relevant workplace mental health e-health application for the Canadian Indigenous population. Work Disability Prevention and Integration (WDPI) Conference, Odense, Denmark. (Poster Presentation). 06-2019
Pepin, RA. Indigenous youth and bullying from a mental health perspective. Feminisms at the Lakehead Conference, Thunder Bay, ON. (Podium Presentation). 04-2018
Pepin, RA. The concept of bullying: One name with many problems. Social Justice and Activism in Northwestern Ontario Conference, Thunder Bay, ON. (Podium Presentation). 12-2016
Pepin, RA. Bullying, racism and education: Ontario’s new Education Act and its potential implications on Indigenous students. Panel: A Sociological Investigation of Bullying. Canadian Sociological Association Conference, Calgary, AB. Congress of the Social Sciences. (Podium Presentation). 06-2016.
February 2012 – Research that Makes a Difference: Education Graduate Students’ Conference, Lakehead University
December 2011 – Feminisms at the Lakehead, Lakehead University
Pepin, RA. (September 22, 2017). Being an Online TA. Part of the Workshop Series for the Law and Legal Studies Department, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON.
Pepin, RA. (September 15, 2016). Engaging Students Online (via Big Blue Button). Part of the Educational Development Centre’s Professional Development Workshop Series for the Law and Legal Studies Department, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON
Affiliations and Positions
2018 – present: Research Associate, EPID@Work Research Institute (Enhancing the Prevention of Injury and Disability at Work Research Institute), Lakehead University
2016 – present: Sessional Lecturer in the Department of Health Sciences, Lakehead University
2013 – 2019
- Editorial Assistant, Canadian Journal of Law and Society/ Revue Canadienne Droit et Société, Carleton University
- Member of the Carleton University Graduate Legal Studies Society
- Teaching Assistant, Department of Law and Legal Studies, Carleton University (primarily for Laws 2201 with Professor Brettel Dawson)
2007 – present
- Associate Law Clerk with the Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario
2014 – 2015
- Research Assistant, Department of Law and Legal Studies, Carleton University
2012 – 2013
- Intergenerational Education Task Group Member, Thunder Bay Age-Friendly Committee
2011 – 2012
- Lakehead University Student Ambassador
2011 – 2013
- Member of the Lakehead University Education Graduate Students Society
- Teaching Assistant, Women’s Studies Department, Lakehead University
- Graduate Research Assistant, Women’s Studies Department, Lakehead University
2010 – 2013
- Lakehead University Senate Academic Appeals Committee – Undergraduate (2010-2011) and Graduate (2011-2013) student representative
2010 – 2011
- Assistant Hockey Coach, Atom ‘A’ Power Skating Rangers, Westfort Hockey League, Thunder Bay
- Law Clerk, Petrone Hornak Garofalo Mauro, Thunder Bay
- Marking Assistant, Women’s Studies Department, Lakehead University
2009 – 2011
- Community Connection Volunteer, Thunder Bay Multicultural Association
2007 – 2010
- Law Clerk, Carrel+Partners LLP, Thunder Bay