On Friday, January 27th, we celebrated our annual Research Day! This is an opportunity for current Philosophy MA students to sit on a panel and proudly share their research.

The event consisted of two panels with the following research topics presented:

Rhea Chopra: “Rethinking Biocentrism and Deep Ecology Through the Lens of Classical Hindu Philosophies of Nature”

Gavin Foster: “The Emergence of Conceptual Thought in Non-Human Animals and Infants”

Paul Chellew: “Bounded Rationality: Uncertainty Judgements that Depends on Features of the Natural World”

Claire French: “Remembering Injustice”

Aydin Karasapan: “Innovation & the Text: Towards a Framework for Pedagogical Textual Design in the Digital Age”

Thank you to our MA students for sharing their research, and to all of the members of our community for attending this engaging discussion!

Three of our Research Day panelists (Rhea Chopra, Paul Chellew and Gavin Foster), joined by Prof. Christine Koggel (MA Program Supervisor).