Psychology Undergraduate Research Event (PURE)

This annual celebration of student achievement involves our 4th-year Undergraduate Honours students sharing their capstone research via poster presentations. This has become Carleton’s largest undergraduate research event. To help with this celebration of student achievement, we welcome fellow students and their families, members of the Department, and the University community to attend.

PURE was held in-person on Thursday April 11th, 2024. Students were supported by their friends, family, and members of the Department. Each student did an excellent job presenting their poster, but the following seven students were selected to receive an outstanding presentation award. Congratulations!

Our winners from the Honours Project PSYC 4909/4910:

Maya Siddons: Why Don’t I Look Pretty? Am I Good Enough? Teens and the Dark Side of Visual Based Social Media

Allison More: Psychosocial Adjustment and Peer Victimization Among Adolescents

Fatima Nabbus: Evaluating the Efficacy and Challenges of Synthetic Phonics in Early Childhood Education

Hannah Driedger: Novel Interventions for Maladaptive Perfectionism

Taya Walker: Neurodiversity: Exploring Brain Complexity in Children Diagnosed with Autism and its Effects on Well-Being

Our winners from the Honours Thesis PSYC 4907/4908:

Pragati Parajuli: What do Emotions Sound Like? Affective Congruence of Sounds and Meaning

Charles Raine: Investigating How Job Demands and Resources Affect Military Members’ Psychological Well-being with Military Survey Data


Please submit any questions, comments, or suggestions to
We look forward to your participation!

This video introduces the regular “in person” Psychology Undergraduate Research Event. See the video below to learn more about PURE.