Registration terms are activated at specific times in the year to allow users to perform activities for that term (e.g. registering for courses, view account information).

You must select a term from the drop-down menu as the first step in the registration process. The term you select here will carry through to all of the other registration functions. The term that you are working in is usually displayed at the top of each page during all the steps of the registration process.

Make your initial term selection or change terms to perform registration functions for another term. Please note that for fall and winter registration, it will be necessary to build your registration schedule for both the fall and winter term separately. When you are building your timetable, you must add the fall portion, change the term and then add the winter portion for full session courses (courses that start in September and end in April).

Click Submit Term to finalize your selection. After making a term selection you will either be sent back to the Registration menu or to the function that you were