What role should journalists play on the path towards reconciliation between Canadians and Indigenous peoples?

Explore how journalism in Canada has been associated with colonialism, from the foundational narratives of Indigenous peoples during westward expansion through to contemporary stereotypes.

This course will challenge you to confront misrepresentation in the news media. It will also help you consider new strategies and ethical frameworks for covering Indigenous Canada in the era of reconciliation.Hayden King 2

“Covering Indigenous Canada” will be developed and taught by Prof Hayden King, who joins Carleton University’s School of Public Policy and Administration in May 2016.

Dr. King is Anishinaabe from Gchi’mnissing in Huronia, Ontario. He has served as senior advisor to the Ontario Government, scholar in residence at the Conference Board of Canada, and governance coordinator to Beausoleil First Nation, and is a frequent opinion writer/contributor to the Globe and Mail and CBC’s The National.

Sunday, April 17, 2016 in ,
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