Professor Merlyna Lim had been invited by multiple institutions in Europe to give a series of talks/lectures in April and May of 2017. Lim started the talk tour by delivering a plenary talk titled “Digital Media and Protest Movements in Malaysia and Indonesia” at the Digital Asia event in Lund, Sweden on 25-26 April 2017. The event was held as part of the Lund University 350th Anniversary celebrations in 2017 whose main theme was Digital Society.

Following the Lund event, Lim spent four days at the University of Nottingham, England from 27 to 30 April 2017 to fulfil the invitation from the European Political Communication Research (EPCR) where she delivered a talk titled “#WhySpaceMatters: Spatial Analysis of Communicative Practices and the Occupation of Urban Space in Contemporary Activism”. In the ECPR joint sessions workshop on “Digital Media and the Spatial Transformation of Public Contention”, Lim also participated in conversations around the exploration and theorization of how the rise of online platforms is affecting the spatial configuration of public contention and served as a discussant and a field expert, along with Nick Couldry and John Postill.

From Nottingham, Lim made a trip back to Sweden to participate in the Digital Methods workshop held by the Forum for Asian Studies at Stockholm University on 2-3 May 2017. To close the workshop, Lim delivered a public lecture titled “Tweets Emerge, Streets Diverge: Social Media and Contemporary Protests in Southeast Asia.”

To close Merlyna Lim also participated in the I Congreso International EvalComDev (Evaluation of Communication for Development and Social Change Conference) held at Universidad de Cadiz, Jerez, Spain on 9-11 May 2017. At this event, she discussed both conceptual and methodological frameworks for researching communicative practices of contemporary social movements that capture multiple spatialities, diverse temporalities, and different materialities.

Friday, May 12, 2017 in ,
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