Nasreen Rajani, a PhD student in Communications, was one of 32 students accepted to the 2017 University of Oxford Internet Institute’s Summer Doctoral Programme (OII SDP). Doctoral students from around the world, whose research relates to the Internet, are invited to partake in an intensive two weeks of seminars and workshops with faculty from the OII and guest faculty members from visiting universities who are leading in Internet research studies. Students also benefit from sharing their current dissertation projects in an interdisciplinary environment and forming long-lasting international networks.

Nasreen is broadly interested in online feminist activism and the politics of software design. At OII SDP, she shared her proposed dissertation project titled “Examining the designs and interventions of feminist platforms in ending violence against women”. Her project will examine anti-oppressive design of online platforms, such as mobile apps, in ending violence against women.

Monday, August 14, 2017 in ,
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