Prof. Lauriault was invited to facilitate the inaugural Building Canada 2020 Workshop in Ottawa. Statistics Canada in collaboration with the Humanitarian Open Street Map Team Summit (HOT Summit) that was in Ottawa in September gathered a group of 40+ interested parties from Federal and Municipal Government, Crown Corporations, the private sector and civil society to shape how they might crowdsource the mapping of all of Canada’s buildings by 2020. This builds on the successful Ottawa-Gatineau pilot project launched in 2016, and that map was used by Red Cross and others to assist those affected and to respond to this summer’s floods in the region.

The base map will be used by all, but especially CMHC, Canada Post, Red Cross and other NGOs responding to emergency preparedness issues such as Fires in BC, winds in the Atlantic and floods in Ontario, but also to map Canada’s business assets and to make Federal infrastructure more accessible and transparent. The workshop created an action plan to begin the mapping.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017 in , ,
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