Associate Professor of Communication & Media Studies Benjamin Woo is one of six Carleton faculty members to receive an Early Researcher Award from the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade. The highly competitive award provides funding for early career scholars to build a research team.

Professor Woo will receive $100,000 from the Province of Ontario and a further $50,000 in matching funds from Carleton to study the role of comic books and their audiences within the contemporary cultural industries in the new Research on Comics, Con Events, and Transmedia Laboratory. A hub for critical industry- and audience-oriented research on comic book culture, the RoCCET Lab will also be the new home of the SSHRC-funded Comic Cons Research Project.

“I’m thrilled to announce the formation of this lab in the School of Journalism and Communication and release the call for the first cohort of RoCCET Fellows,” said Professor Woo.

The RoCCET Fellowships program will provide a mix of fellowships, research assistantships, and scholarships to support MA and PhD students with research interests related to comic books and graphic novels, fan studies, convention cultures, popular media industries and/or transmedia entertainment. For more information, see the full call or contact Dr. Benjamin Woo <>. Women, candidates of colour, and those identifying as LGBTQ2S are particularly encouraged to apply.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019 in
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