For the third year running, a mentorship program for Indigenous and Racialized journalism students from Carleton is on offer in the Globe and Mail’s Ottawa Bureau.

The program provides two paid mentorship opportunities for Indigenous and Racialized students enrolled in the journalism program through direct interaction with journalists in the Globe’s Ottawa bureau. Applications are due on Oct. 9 and Carleton students can apply through the SJC’s Career and Resources page, under Scholarships, Awards and Competitions.

Mentees will interact with Globe reporters and editors, participate in daily news meetings, and cover such events as Question Period, committees and news conferences. The Globe and Mail will provide students with mentorship through opportunities to interact with Globe reporters and with bureau chief Robert Fife.

“We are eager both to help train the next generation of journalists and to learn from these new members of our profession,” Fife said.

Carleton Journalism students have all found media employment after finishing their mentorship in the Ottawa Bureau, Fife added.  The program offers a mix of hands-on-instructions from how to search for documents, where to get information quickly to covering Parliament and House of Commons and Senate committees.

Participants in the program will get a chance to write articles for publication online and in the Globe’s print edition, working closely with fellow journalists in the Ottawa Bureau.

“The program is a two-way street. We learn from you as well and welcome ideas on how we can improve our coverage,” Fife said.

The journalism students will also receive guidance in how to use the access to information system, the lobbyist registry, spending reports and the courts as well as other resources.

Successful candidates will be paid the equivalent of the Globe’s freelance day-rate of $206 for each full day spent in the bureau. The successful applicants will belong to the program for the entirety of an academic year.

Racialized and Indigenous students in the third and fourth year of Carleton’s Bachelor of Journalism program, as well as those in both years of the Master of Journalism program are eligible to apply.

The application process will be administered by the journalism program’s Permanent Working Group on Anti-Racism and Inclusion, which was established as part of the journalism program’s action plan to foster greater equity, diversity and inclusion.

“My thanks once again to the Globe and to Bob Fife in particular for reaching out and proposing this mentorship program,” said Allan Thompson, the head of Carleton’s journalism program. “Confronting the systemic racism found both in our journalism program and in Canada’s journalism industry is my top priority.”

Tuesday, October 4, 2022 in
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