Fall Term 2024

COMS 4800 A: Material Histories of Photography
Instructor: Dr. Siobhan Angus
Wednesdays, 1:05–3:55 p.m.

While we often see photographs mediated through screens, they are singular objects with specific material histories. Through Ottawa’s collections, this course will explore these histories from the early nineteenth century to the present and how they intersect with constructions of class, race, gender, and the non-human world; histories of labour and capitalism; technological change; and ecological crisis.

Class sessions will meet at the National Gallery of Canada, the Ottawa Art Gallery, Library and Archives Canada, and the Canadian Museum of History. There are no costs associated with these visits, but you are responsible for arranging transportation.

COMS 4800 B: Misinformation and Media
Instructor: Dr. Chris Russill
Tuesdays, 8:35–11:25 a.m.

In this class, we explore the relationship of media and misinformation from a variety of perspectives and through case studies dealing w election integrity, climate change, public health, and AI. Students will engage with both theoretical and practical dimensions of misinformation and become familiar with the tools and techniques used by journalists, analysts, and platforms to engage with misleading and deceptive forms of communication.