Fall Term 2023

COMS 4800 C: Social Media and the Public Sector
Instructor: Carly Dybka
Mon Time: 2:35pm – 5:25 pm

In this course, students will consider the opportunities, challenges and risks present in government use of social media. The discussion-oriented course combines case studies and current practices in the Government of Canada with relevant communication and public administration theory.

Winter Term 2024

COMS 3800 A: Community Radio in a Global Context
Instructor: Elena Kaliberda
Thu Time: 11:35 am – 2:25 pm

In this course, students will be introduced to community radio initiatives from around the world.

More precisely, this media technology will be explored within diverse social, cultural, political, and regional contexts. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will achieve two main objectives: firstly, they will be able to define key concepts related to community radio, and secondly, they will learn how to produce segments for their local community radio stations.

The course employs a comprehensive approach that combines lectures, lab classes, case study presentations, and discussions. Each session will focus on a specific theme, following a chronological sequence as outlined in the course syllabus.

COMS 4800 A: Communication and Music
Instructor: Catherine Allison
Tuesdays, 2:35pm – 5:25pm

An investigation of music from a communication studies perspective, with an emphasis on questions of power.  Investigation of key issues and concepts including the emergence of and relationships between actors in the music industry from an historical perspective to today; the evolution of music consumption, production, distribution, promotion and regulation; the effects of music and its creators on individuals and global communities.  We’ll study both scholarly texts and popular literature, and listen to and discuss diverse music genres and formats from the 1500s to 2024.  Other activities may include attending a live concert; a field trip; and/or a guest lecturer from the music industry.

COMS 4800 D: Misinformation and Media
Instructor: Chris Russill
Time: Fri, 8:35 am – 11:25 am

In this class, we explore the relationship of media and misinformation from a variety of perspectives and through case studies dealing w election integrity, climate change, public health, and AI. Students will engage with both theoretical and practical dimensions of misinformation and become familiar with the tools and techniques used by journalists, analysts, and platforms to engage with misleading and deceptive forms of communication.