Vincent Andrisani
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
Building: | Richcraft Hall, Room 4319 |
Department: | School of Journalism and Communication |
Degrees: | BES (Hons), York University; MES, York University; PhD (Communication Studies), Simon Fraser University |
Website: | http://www.vincentandrisani.com |
Vincent Andrisani is an Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, in Communication and Media Studies specializing in the area of sound studies. His background as a musician gives life to his academic work, which includes research and teaching in the areas of soundscape studies, oral history, and popular music studies. Vincent’s doctoral research was based in the city of Havana, Cuba, where a residency at Fundación Fernando Ortiz supported a project on sound, listening, and urban citizenship.
Vincent’s research makes use of ethnographic approaches to media production, yielding audio media published in Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology, and Society (2019) and presented live in a variety of conference and performance settings. Vincent also produces a radio show called “The Place of Sound“, showcasing audio media produced by students in the Communication and Media Studies program. The show airs every other Monday evening at 6:30pm EST on CKCU and is available on most major podcast platforms.
Vincent is a recipient of Carleton University’s Future Learning Innovation Fellowship (2023-24) for his work on The Place of Sound.
Vincent delivers the following courses: COMS 1001: Foundations in Communication and Media Studies, COMS 1002: Current Issues in Communication and Media, COMS 4501: Digital Media Production, and COMS 5102: Sound Studies.
Selected Publications
MacAulay, M., & Andrisani, V. (2021). Seen but Not Heard: Performing Gender and Popular Feminism on Drumming Instagram. In M. Brennan, J. Pignato, & D. Stadnicki (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to the Drum Kit (pp. 222–234). Cambridge University Press.
Andrisani, V. (2019). “¡Se Bota el Tanque!”: Housing, Infrastructure, and the Sounds of Water in Havana’s Domestic Spaces. Tapyua: Latin American Science, Technology and Society, 2(1), 442–457.
Andrisani, V. (2019). Havana’s Falling Tanks and Flooded Laneways: An Examination of the Acoustic Community. In Sound, Media, Ecology (pp. 131–151). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Andrisani, V. (2018). Learning to Listen: From the Car Stereo to the Soundscape. Retrieved from IASPM Canada website: https://www.iaspm.ca/automusicologiesposts/2018/7/14/learning-to-listen-from-the-car-stereo-to-the-soundscape
Andrisani, V. (2015). The Sweet Sounds of Havana: Space, Listening, and the Making of Sonic Citizenship. Retrieved from Sounding Out! Blog website: http://soundstudiesblog.com/2015/09/17/the-sweet-sounds-of-havana-space-listening-and-the-making-of-sonic-citizenship/
Andrisani, V. (2012). El Paisaje Sonoro de la Habana. Catauro: Revista Cubana de Antropología, 14(26), 107–118.
Andrisani, V. (2011). Revisiting the Vancouver Tape Collection: Motives, Intentions, and Practice. Soundscape: The Journal of Acoustic Ecology, 11(1), 28–32.
Droumeva, M., & Andrisani, V. (2011). Toward a Cultural Phenomenology of Mediated Aural Practices. Interference: A Journal of Audio Culture, 1(1). Retrieved from http://www.interferencejournal.org/toward-a-cultural-phenomenology-of-mediated-aural-practices/
Selected Presentations (available online)
Andrisani, V. (2022). Storytelling with Soundscapes. Presented in Negotiating Digital Space in Culturally Significant Storytelling Webinar Series by Canadian Centre for Mindful Habitats. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nadHFokROdY
Andrisani, V. (2018). The Sweetest Sound in the City. Presented at the TEDxSFU | Shift Conference, Vancouver, BC. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=3s&v=izJ82YzaqNE&app=desktop
Andrisani, V. (2017). The Sounds of the City. Presented at Pecha Kucha New Westminster, Vol. 16, New Westminster, BC. Retrieved from https://www.pechakucha.com/cities/new-westminster/presentations/the-sounds-of-the-city
Andrisani, V. (2017). The World in a Voice: an Oral History of a Southern Italian Migrant. Presented at the Italian Sonorities and Acoustic Communities Conference, New York, NY. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hZWNeLyPcI&feature=youtu.be