Photo of Ijeoma Ukazu

Ijeoma Ukazu



    Ijeoma Francisca Ukazu is a Nigerian Journalist of repute who has used her stories over time to advocate for the reproductive health and rights of women and girls in her country.
    Her passion for reporting has earned her some notable awards from international organizations in-country and in 2022, one of her story entries came second at the “More than a Mother” media awards from Merck Foundation, Germany.
    She writes for The Abuja Inquirer Newspaper and freelances for renowned international organizations like GAVI -The Vaccine Alliance, SciDev.Net Sub-Saharan Africa English Desk and University World News.
    Ijeoma is looking forward to a fulfilling Master of Journalism program at Carleton University in Canada and hopes to learn advanced ways to improve her craft for the benefit of mankind.