Stéfy McKnight
Assistant Professor, Media Production and Design (cross-appointed with Communication and Media Studies)
Building: | Richcraft Hall, Room 4105 |
Department: | School of Journalism and Communication |
Lab: surveillART: care-laboratory for research-creation and disruptive exhibitionism (hyper linked), Dunton Tower Room 1105. Open by appointment or during exhibition times (see website)
Dr. Stéfy McKnight (they/them/iel) is a white settler (French, Scottish, and English descent), non-binary and queer artist-scholar based in Katarokwi/Kingston, on traditional Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Territory. They are Director of PROTOHYVE: Centre for Innovative Research-Creation, and surveillART: care-laboratory for research-creation and disruptive exhibitionism, at Carleton University on the unceded and unsurrendered territories of the Algonquin nation. Stéfy’s research examines research-creation as a methodology for knowledge production and fact-based storytelling in so called Canada. Their research and teaching interests are broad and look at methodologies and pedagogies of care; surveillance and colonialism; technology and surveillance in rural communities; queer and femme representation in digital and virtual spaces; 2SLGBTQIA+ activism, and art as function-creep.
Their scholarly work takes the form of performance, multi-media interventions, 3D printing, installation, video art, and various digital and physical curatorial projects. Their research-creation has been exhibited at the Stratford Gallery (Stratford); Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre (Kingston); Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts (Kingston); White Water Gallery (North Bay) and others. Stéfy is a member of the performance duo Cam Hunters with Dr. Julia Chan from the University of Calgary.
Stéy is the Equity Chair of CUASA and advocates for: 2SLGBTQIA+, Indigenous and racialized peoples’ participation in unionized work; policies for accessible workplaces that support disabled and mad workers, and equity centered bargaining and mobilization strategies.
Cross Listed for Graduate Supervision
Communication and Media Studies
Public History
Cultural Mediations
Digital Humanities
Current Projects
Surveillant Pleasures: Using Research-Creation to Explore the Generative Potential of Surveillance. NFRF funded (Principal Nominated Investigator) (co-Principal Investigator Dr. Julia Chan, University of Calgary)
Surveillance/Art: A Creative Address of Surveillance Logics. Edited collection with Drs. Susan Cahill (University of Calgary), Julia Chan (University of Calgary) and sava sava saheli singh (York University). Forthcoming.
SurveillART: care-laboratory for research-creation and disruptive exhibitionism. CFI JELF and ORF SIF funded (Principal Investigator)
Select Past Projects
“Pleasures of Surveillance.” Edited collection with Dr. Julia Chan, Surveillance & Society (2024): https://ojs.library.queensu.ca/index.php/surveillance-and-society/issue/view/1015
Phantom Intimacies: Creative Interventions into Visualizing Disability and Queer Relationality. (2024). Artwork. City of Kingston Arts Fund funded: https://www.stefymcknight.com/copy-of-cloud-cotton-candy
Aqtion Arqhive: Tracing 2SLGBTQIA+ Labour Activism in Katarokwi-Kingston. SSHRC PEG funded (Principal Investigator) (co-Applicant Dr. Morgan Oddie): https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/4f0fc725cd5e4088bbe8740a2cfff183
PROTOHYVE: Centre for Innovative Research-Creation in so called Canada. SSHRC IDG funded (Principal Investigator): https://www.protohyve.com
Multimedia Storytelling with Indigenous Youth and Post-Secondary Students: Youth Co-creation of a Vision for Sustainable Development as a Strategy toward Reconciliation. Multidisciplinary Research Catalyst Fund (MRCF) funded. (co-Applicant) (Principal Investigator Rick Colbourne): https://www.indigenousyouthstories.com
Select Publications
Chan, Julia and Stéfy McKnight. (2024). “Pleasures of Surveillance.” Editorial. Surveillance & Society: https://ojs.library.queensu.ca/index.php/surveillance-and-society/article/view/17261
Chan, Julia and Stéfy McKnight. (2023). “Disruptive Exhibitionism: A performance methodology for surveillance art.” Media Practice and Education. Taylor & Francis Online: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/25741136.2023.2209685
Bahng, Sojung, S. McKnight, and J. McCormack. (2022). “A comparative study of practice-based research and research-creation in media art: Comparing two doctoral studies in Australia and Canada.” ISEA Proceedings: https://sojungb.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/ISEA_PBRvsRc_Bahng_McKnight.pdf
McKnight, Stéfy. (2020). “Creative Research Methodologies for Surveillance Studies”, Surveillance & Society: https://ojs.library.queensu.ca/index.php/surveillance-and-society/article/view/13530
Select Research Funding Awarded
2022: Ontario Research Fund: Research Infrastructure (Principal Investigator)
2022: Canada Foundation for Innovation John R. Evans Leaders Fund (Principal Investigator)
2022: New Frontiers in Research Fund (Principal Nominated Investigator with Co-Principal Investigator Dr. Julia Chan, University of Calgary)
2022: Individual Project Fund, City of Kingston Arts Fund (Artist)
2021: Partnership Engage Grant, Social Sciences Humanities Research Council (Principal Investigator with Co-Applicant Dr. Morgan Oddie, Public Service Alliance of Canada)
2021: Insight Development Grant, Social Sciences Humanities Research Council (Principal Investigator)
2021: Multidisciplinary Research Catalyst Fund (MRCF), Carleton, University (Co-Applicant with Principal Investigator Rick Colbourne)
2018-2021 (deferred 2021): (PI) Joseph-Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship, Social Sciences Humanities Research Council (Principal Investigator)
Select Honours
2024: Research Achievement Award, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON
2022: Research Excellence Award, Faculty of Public Affairs, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON
2019: Union Activist of the Year, Kingston District Labour Council, Kingston, ON
2017: Honorable mention, Inaugural bi-annual Surveillance Studies Network Art Fund Prize
Academic Training
2020: PhD, Cultural Studies Program, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON.
2016: Master of Art, Cultural Studies Program, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON.
2014: Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) and minor in Gender Equality and Social Justice, Nipissing University, North Bay, ON.
University Service
Member of the Carleton Trans Advocacy Group (CTAG) Operating Team
Equity Chair of CUASA