Photo of Towns, Armond

Armond Towns

Associate Professor (On Leave)
    Phone:613-520-2600, ext. 1136
    Building:Richcraft Hall, Room 4213
    Department:School of Journalism and Communication


    Armond R. Towns is an associate professor in Communication and Media Studies. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in Communication.

    Research Interests

    Dr. Towns’s work brings together Black studies, cultural studies, and media philosophy. His book, On Black Media Philosophy, was published in 2022 with the University of California Press. Dr. Towns is also the cofounder and inaugural editor of the journal, Communication and Race, the newest journal of the National Communication Association (U.S.).
    Prior to joining Carleton University, Dr. Towns taught at the University of Denver and the University of Richmond. At the University of Richmond, Dr. Towns’s research, teaching, and service led to him coauthoring the proposal to establish the university’s first Africana Studies Program, approved in 2020. Currently, Dr. Towns is developing a project on the relationship between the history of communication studies and the history of Black studies, focusing specifically on the development of both fields in U.S. and Canada.

    Selected Publications

    • “Black Studies and/as Media Theory: A Conversation with Armond Towns,” Canadian Journal of Communication 46.1 (2021).
    • Black Studies is for Everyone,” Oxford University Press Blog (2020).
    • “Toward a Black Media Philosophy,” Cultural Studies 34.6 (2020).
    • “Plastic Empowerment: Financial Literacy and Black Economic Life,” with Carolyn Hardin, American Quarterly 71.4 (2019).
    • “The ‘Lumpenproletariat’s Redemption,’” Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture and Society 19.1 (2017).