History undergraduate student Taylor Tombol (minor in Political Science) was recently interviewed by Steve Fisher of CBC News. A short excerpt is below with the full article “Trump supporters a rare breed among American voters in Ottawa” available online.

For Americans working and studying abroad, as well as those who have dual citizenship, this week marks an important date in the U.S. federal election cycle. Many states have set mid-October as the deadline to register to cast an absentee ballot in the election.

In Canada, the combined vote of all those absentee ballots could have an impact, since estimates on the number of U.S. citizens living here range between hundreds of thousands and a couple million people.

Taylor Tombol, who is studying history and political science at Carleton University, has dual citizenship and will be voting for the first time in this election. She wants to do her part to make sure Trump doesn’t get elected, she says.

“I do feel like he is waging a war on the Muslim communities in America. He’s got very racist rhetoric,” Tombol says. “It’s quite frightening and people take it as a joke but it is a scary predicament.”