Co-operative Education

The co-op program combines classroom learning with work terms that allow you to obtain hands-on experience in the workplace.  It is normally completed in five years.  Upon graduation, you will have up to two years of combined work experience in industry.

Early admission directly from high school may be offered to students with an exceptional high school record. Most students are admitted to the co-op program directly after their first or second year at Carleton.

To qualify, you will need to have completed all of your course requirements with an excellent cumulative average mark. Co-op can provide you with practical work experience, networking opportunities, financial support, and direct contact with potential employers.

Please visit the Co-op Website for more information.

“Participating in the Cooperative Education program at Carleton was one of the most beneficial options I had taken during my studies.  I had the opportunity to pursue work in various fields such as Statistics and Computer Science plus gain working knowledge and skills in different employment settings.

Carleton’s cooperative education staff are experts in networking and really work hard to obtain leads and sources to present challenging, relevant, and interesting jobs to students.  They also provide one-on-one time with students for reviewing resumes, performing mock interviews, and offer guidance to contribute to the students’ success in the workplace.

Participating in this program has definitely opened a window of opportunities for future employment in my field.  Moreover, I was able to see knowledge obtained in the classroom setting applied in the workplace, learn from a new perspective, and gain invaluable experience.”

Lyly Vuu, Bachelor of Mathematics (Honours) Computer Math Info Technology.


The workplace

The BMath (Honours) degree provides excellent training for many careers, including finance, programming and consulting. Of course, some students pursue careers in teaching at the high school, college, or university level.

Our students with a BMath (Honours) degree in Statistics have found employment in many different fields that use statistical methodology.  Some examples of these exciting applications include:

Government Surveys

Graduates apply quantitative methodologies learned at Carleton to explore topics of interest to government departments and agencies, such as:

  • How many people are unemployed this month?
  • What do we export to China, and what do we import?
  • Are rates of violent crime increasing or decreasing?

Government wants data on issues like these to guide policy, and government statistical agencies provide them by surveying households and businesses.


In the ongoing search for improved medical treatments rests, experiments are carefully designed to compare promising new treatments with the current state of the art. Statisticians work with medical teams to design the experiments and to analyze the complex data they produce.


Studies of the environment require data on the abundance and location of plants and animals, on the spread of pollution from its sources, and on the possible effects of changes in human activities. The data are often incomplete or uncertain, but statisticians can help uncover their meaning.


The future of many industries and their employees depends upon improvement in the quality of goods and services and in the efficiency with which they are produced and delivered. Improvement should be based on data rather than guesswork. Ever more companies are installing elaborate systems to collect and act on data in order to better serve their customers.

Market Research

Are consumer tastes in television programs changing? What are promising locations for a new retail outlet? Market researchers use both government data and their own surveys to answer questions like these. Statisticians design the elaborate surveys that gather data for both public and private use.

Graduate studies

Graduates of our programs are well qualified to go on to graduate studies in a variety of fields including mathematics and statistics, mathematical physics, meteorology, oceanography, computer science, information science, actuarial science, business, engineering, biostatistics, econometrics, and psychology.

If you think that you may wish to pursue an advanced degree, you are encouraged to investigate graduate programs early in order to ensure that your Mathematics or Statistics program is suited to meet the relevant graduate-level requirements.

Professional programs

Many professional programs including teaching, medicine, law, and business administration, encourage well-rounded applicants from a variety of backgrounds to apply. Mathematics and Statistics provides a strong foundation for such programs.

More Information

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Shirley Mills
Phone:  613-520-2600 x2199