Below is the list of accomplishments and publications of our faculty members. Visit Accomplishments of Faculty Archive to consult all the awards and publications.
- Prestigious Fellowship
Fellow of The Royal Society
- Donald Dawson (2010)
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
- Miklos Csörgő (1989)
- Donald Dawson (1987)
- Vlastimil Dlab (1977)
- J.N.K. Rao (1991)
Killam Fellowship
- Miklos Csörgő (1978-80)
- Donald Dawson (1977-79)
NSERC Canada University Research Fellow
- Angelo Mingarelli (University of Ottawa, 1981-89)
- J.N.K. Rao (1991)
Canada Council Fellow
- Miklos Csörgő (1969-70, 1976-77)
- Vlastimil Dlab (1974)
- Angelo Mingarelli (University of Ottawa, 1981-89)
Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS)
- Miklos Csörgő (1969-70, 1976-77, 1978)
- Donald Dawson (1977)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Senior Research Fellow
- Vlastimil Dlab (1981)
- JNK Rao (1972)
German Research Council Senior Research Fellow
- Vlastimil Dlab (1989, 1991)
Brazil Research Council Senior Research Fellow
- Vlastimil Dlab (1998)
Diploma of Honours, Union of Czechoslovak Mathematicians
- Vlastimil Dlab (1962)
Professor Hospitus, Charles University, Prague
- Vlastimil Dlab (1995 – present)
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society
- Donald Dawson (2012)
Fellow of other Academies of Science:
Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society
- Angelo B. Mingarelli (2012)
Academic Fellow of the International Academy of Physical Sciences, Allahabad, India
- J.N. Pandey (2011)
Fellow of the Bangladesh Academy of Science
- Mizan Rahman (2005)
External Member, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Miklos Csörgő (elected 1995, inaugurated 1996)
- Recent Awards (last five years)
Pesquisador Visitante Especial, CAPES (Brazil), 2014-2016.
- Daniel Panario
Excellence in Teaching with Technology Award
- Kevin Cheung (2013)
5-year NSERC Discovery Grant
- J.N.K. Rao (2013)
Canadian Journal of Statistics Award
- J.N.K. Rao (2011)
Carleton University Research Achievement Award
- Vida Dujmovic (2013)
- Daniel Panario (2012-2013)
- Brett Stevens (2010)
Fields Institute Fellow
- Matthias Neufang (2012)
Premier’s Research Excellence Awards (PREA)/ Early Researcher Award (ERA)
- Brett Stevens (2007-12)
Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy
- J.N.K. Rao ( Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Piacenza, Italy, 2013)
- Recent Editorial Board Appointments
Zhicheng Gao
- International Gambling Studies (2005-present)
Patrick Farrell
- International Journal of Statistics and Systems (2004-present)
Angelo Mingarelli
- Mathematische Nachricten (Advisory Board Member 2005-present)
Daniel Panario
- Finite Fields and their Applications (2005-present)
- Designs, Codes and Cryptography (2008-present)
- Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing (2008-present)
- International Journal of Information and Coding Theory (2008-present)
- Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications (2017-present)
- Mathematical Foundations of Computing (2017-present)
JN Pandey
- Journal of the Wavelet Theory and Applications, Editor-in-Chief (2007-present)
- Advances in the Theory and Applications of Mathematics (2006-present)
- Pacific-Asian Journal of Mathematics, Serials Publications New Delhi (2008)
Irwin Pressman:
- The Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2004-present)
Benjamin Steinberg:
- International Journal of Algebra and Computation (2011)
- Semigroup Forum (2003-present)
Kenneth S Williams:
- International Journal of Number Theory (2004-09)
Yiqiang Zhao:
- Associate Editor of OR Letters (2004-present)
- Associate Editor of Advances in Operatiaons Reserach (2008-present)
- Associate Editor of Queueing Systems (2000-present)
- Editor of Stochastic Models, (2002-present)
- Associate Editor of Journal of Environmental Informatics, (2013-present)
- Recent Guest Editorships
Yuly Billig
- S Berman, Y Billig, Y-Z Huang, J Lepowsky (editors), Vertex Operator Algebras in Mathematics and Physics Fields Institute Communications, vol 39, American Mathematical Society, 2003.
Daniel Panario
- Theory and Applications of Finite Fields, Contemporary Mathematics vol. 579, American Mathematical Society, 2012 (edited by Michel Lavrauw, Gary L. Mullen, Svetla Nikova, Daniel Panario, Leo Storme)
- Special issue in honour of the research and influence of Joachim von zur Gathen, Journal of Symbolic Computation vol. 47, 355-502, 2012 (edited by Mark Giesbrecht and Daniel Panario)
- Proceedings of ANALCO’11 (2011 Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics), SIAM Proceedings, 2011 (edited by Philippe Flajolet and Daniel Panario)
- Finite Fields: Theory and Applications, Contemporary Mathematics vol. 518, American Mathematical Society, 2010 (edited by Gary McGuire, Gary L. Mullen, Daniel Panario and Igor E. Shparlinski)
- G Mullen, D Panario and I Shparlinski (editors), Proceedings of Fq8 (“8th Finite Fields and their Applications Conference”), Contemporary Mathematics vol 461, American Mathematical Society, 2008
- D Applegate, G Brodal, D Panario and R Sedgewick (editors), Proceedings of ANALCO’07 (“Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics 2007”) and ALENEX’07 (“Algorithm Engineering and Experiments’‘), SIAM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics vol 126, 2007
- P Jacquet, D Panario and W Szpankowski (editors), Special issue of Algorithmica, vol 46(3-4), 2006
- G Gonnet, D Panario and A Viola (editors), Special issue of Theoretical Computer Science, vol 297(1-3), 2003
Ben Steinberg:
- International Conference on Semigroups and Groups in Honor of the 65th Birthday of Prof. John Rhodes, papers from the conference held at the University of Porto, Porto, June 26-29, 2002. Edited by S. W.
- Margolis and B. Steinberg. Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 14 (2004), no. 5-6. World Scientific Publishing Co. Ptd. Ltd., Singapore, 2004. pp. i-xii and 525-827.
Brett Stevens
- Glenn Hurlbert, Brad Jackson and Brett Stevens (editors), Proceedings of 2004 BIRS Workshop on Generalizations of de Bruijn Cycles and Gray Codes, special issue of Discrete Mathematics
Yiqiang Zhao
- Co-Editor (with A. Krishnamoorthy, Mark Squillante and Benny Van Houdt) for special issue on ”Matrix-Analytic Methods in Stochastic Models,” Stochastic Models, Volume 30, Issue 4, 2014
- Co-Editor (with Doug Down) for special issue on “Queueing in computer and telecommunication systems,” INFOR, Volume 51 No. 4, 2014
- Co-Editor (with M. Miyazawa) for special issue on “Stochastic networks: tail types and asymptotics of stationary distributions,” Queueing Systems, Volume 74, Issues 2–3
- Recent Books Published
Small Area Estimation, 2nd Ed., J.N.K. Rao and Isabel Molina, Wiley, September 2015.
Statistical Inference for Models with Multivariate t-Distributed Errors by A.K.Md. Ehsanes Saleh, M. Arashi, and S.M.M. Tabatabaey, part of the Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics.
Handbook of Finite Fields by Gary L. Mullen and Daniel Panario, Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Series, CRC Press, 2013.
Od aritmetiky k abstraktní algebře, MatfyzPress, Praha 2013 (Vlastimil Dlab in Czech with J. Bečvář)
Number Theory in the Spirit of Liouville, by Kenneth S. Williams, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Multiparameter Eigenvalue Problems: Sturm-liouville Theory, by F.V. Atkinson, Angelo B. Mingarelli CRC Press, London, New York, 2010.
Topics in Finite Fields with Applications to Cryptography and Coding Theory (in Portuguese), by Ariane Masuda and Daniel Panario, 26 Coloquio Brasileiro de Matematica, IMPA, Brazil, 2007.
Theory and Applications of Special Functions, edited by Mourad E H Ismail and E Koelink, published by Springer Publications, 2005, dedicated to Mizan Rahman
Introductory Algebraic Number Theory, Saban Alaca and K. S. Williams, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004), xviii + 428 pp.
Small Area Estimation, J.N.K. Rao, Wiley, 2003
- Recent Books Edited
Algebraic Curves and Finite Fields Cryptography and Other Applications, Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics vol. 16, 2014 (edited by Harald Niederreiter, Alina Ostafe, Daniel Panario and Arne Winterhof)
Multiparameter Spectral Theory Volume II-Sturm-Liouville Theory, by FV Atkinson (posthumous work edited by Angelo Mingarelli), 2008, 300+ pages
Representations of algebras and related topics, Fields Institute Communications Vol. 45, Amer. Math. Soc., 2005 (edited by R.-O. Buchweitz and H. Lenzing; dedicated to Vlastimil Dlab)
Introductory Algebraic Number Theory, Saban Alaca and K. S. Williams, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004), xviii + 428 pp.
Representations of finite dimensional algebras and related topics in Lie theory and geometry, Fields Institute Communications Vol. 40, Amer. Math. Soc., 2004 (Vlastimil Dlab with C. M. Ringel)
Limit Theorems in Probability and Statistics, Volumes I.,II. (I. Berkes, E. Csáki, M. Csörgő, Eds.), János Bolyai Mathematical Society, Budapest 2002.
- Lectures at the International Congress of Mathematicians
- Don Dawson (1994)
- JN Pandey (1970, 1990, 1998)
- Leading Positions in Professional Organizations
Membership of NSERC grant committees:
- Daniel Panario (2014-2016)
- Miklós Csörgő (1979-81)
- Matthias Neufang (2008-11)
- Yiqiang Q. Zhao (2011-2014)
- JNK Rao (1974-77, 1979-82, 1989-92)
- Donald Dawson – Fields Institute Director (1996-2000)
Lucy Campbell
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society (CAIMS), 2008-2011, 2014-2016.
- Treasurer of the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society (CAIMS), 2014-2016.
Miklós Csörgő
- Co-Director, Laboratory for Research in Statistics and Probability (LRSP), 1981-present)
- IMS 1979-80 Nominating Committee for President and Members of Council of IMS.
- Council of Canadian Mathematical Society, 1979-83.
- College of Reviewers for the Canada Research Chairs (CRC) Program, (2000-present)
Donald Dawson
- Fields Institute Director (1996-2000)
Vlastimil Dlab
- Member of Council and Chairman of the Research Committee of CMS (1973 – 1977)
- Convenor and Member of Council of the Royal Society of Canada (1980-1981)
- Chairman of Canadian mathematical Society Policy Committee (1987-1988)
Patrick Farrell
- Member of the Executive and the Board of Directors of the Statistical Society of Canada (2003-05),
- Treasurer of the Statistical Society of Canada (2003-05),
- President of the Survey Methods Section of the Statistical Society of Canada (2000-01).
Matthias Neufang
- Member CMS Board of Directors,
- Chair, CMS Publications Committee,
- Member, Advisory Board of the Center for Research in Noncommutative Geometry and Topology (University of New Brunswick)
Yiqiang Zhao
- Past President, President and President-Elect, Probability Section, Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) (2009–2012)
- Member of the Board of Directors, Fields Institute (2009–2012)
- Organization of Major Conferences
Patrick Farrell
- Program Committee for the Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada (2003-05)
Vlastimil Dlab:
- Canadian Algebra Symposium, March 1972, Carleton University.
- Founder of the prestigious series of International Conferences on Representations of Algebras (ICRAs):
- ICRA 1 1974 Carleton University, Ottawa/Canada
- ICRA 2 1979 Carleton University, Ottawa/Canada
- ICRA 3 1980 University of Puebla, Puebla/Mexico
- ICRA 4 1984 Carleton University, Ottawa/Canada
- ICRA 5 1990 University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba/Japan
- ICRA 6 1992 Carleton University, Ottawa/Canada
- ICRA 7 1994 Cocoyok; Workshop at U.N.A.M., Mexico
- ICRA 8 1996 Geiranger; Workshop at Trondheim, Norway
- ICRA 9 2000 Beijing Normal University, Beijing/China
- ICRA 10 2002 Fields Institute, Toronto/Canada
- ICRA 11 2004 Patzcuaro; Workshop at Queretaro, Mexico
- ICRA 12 2007 Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun/Poland
- ICRA 13 2008 Universidade de Sao Paolo, Sao Paulo/Brazil
- ICRA 14 2010 National Olympics Memorial, Youth Center Tokyo/Japan
- ICRA 15 2012 University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld/Germany
- ICRA 16 2014 Tsinghua University, Beijing/China
Matthias Neufang and Benjamin Steinberg
- Co-organizers of 2008 CMS Winter Meeting, Ottawa
- Chair Program Committee International Statistical Institute (1999)
Yiqiang Zhao
- Co-Program Chair for The 56th Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) Annual Conference, 2014, Ottawa
Interaction of Finite Dimensional Algebras with other areas of Mathematics, BIRS International Workshop, September 2004 (with C. M. Ringel and L. L. Scott)
Spectral Methods in Representation Theory of Algebras and Applications to the Study of Rings of Singularities, BIRS International Workshop, September 2008 (with J.-A. de la Peña and H. Lenzing)
Test problems for the theory of finite dimensional algebras, BIRS International Workshop, September 2010 (with J.-A. de la Peña, H. Lenzing and C. M. Ringel)
Linking representation theory, singularity theory and non-commutative algebraic geometry, BIRS International Workshop, May 2012 (with J.-A. de la Peña, O. Iyama and H. Lenzing)
Steering Committees of Conferences
Matthias Neufang
- Canadian Abstract Harmonic Analysis Symposium
Daniel Panario
- CanaDAM (Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics)
- LATIN (Latin American Theoretical Informatics)
- . ANALCO (Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics): since 2010.. Latincrypt since 2009.Past:
. AofA (International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and
Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms): 2011-2014.. CanaDAM (Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics): 2006-2009.
Chair of Executive Committee: 2007-2009.. LATIN (Latin American Theoretical INformatics): 2006-2012.
Chair: 2010-2012.. OCW (Ontario Combinatorics Workshop) 2007-2015.
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