Proposing a Student Exchange Agreement

An exchange agreement is the reciprocal exchange of students for the purpose of earning credit towards a degree. Departments and faculties may request a new exchange agreement with an international partner to facilitate the international exchange of students and ideas. Please note that the International Student Services Office only administers student exchange agreements. MOUs involving faculty exchange or research collaborations are coordinated separately by the Office of the Vice-President (Research and International).

  1. Check the list of current student exchange agreements by visiting our partner universities page.
  2. If a student exchange agreement is in place with the institution, contact the Manager, Global Partnerships and Learning for more information.
  3. If there is no exchange agreement in place, request a new reciprocal exchange agreement by completing the Proposal Form for a Student Exchange Agreement.
  4. If you are a Carleton faculty/staff member: Obtain a signature from the appropriate dean before submitting the request. Departmental agreements require a signature from a chair in addition to the dean.
  5. Submit letters of endorsement if the program has support from additional faculties or departments at Carleton University.
  6. Submit the form and supplemental documents to the Manager, Global Partnerships and Learning in the ISSO:

Manager, Global Partnerships and Learning
International Student Services Office (128 Nideyinàn)
+1 (613) 520-6600

Sample formats for the general and program agreements are available upon request.

Other Collaboration Agreements

Research MOU or Agreement: faculty exchange, joint research Ridhima Peravali, International Outreach Manager
Carleton International
509D Tory Building, +1 (613) 462-9731
Dual Master’s Degree                                                                      Cotutelle: bilateral doctoral enrolment/co-enrolment, Ph.D. exchange agreement Ali Arya, Associate Dean, Planning
Faculty of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs
512 Tory Building, +1 (613) 520-2600 ext. 4184