The powerful technical solutions, services, and tools ITS provides for Carleton University wouldn’t be worth much if we didn’t also train users in how to use them—and provide support when they run into issues. Year-after-year, we’ve committed to developing and improving our training and support offerings so the community can effectively use these tools.

Self-Directed Training for CMS

After some time under construction, the revamped CMS Help Centre is finally here! Web managers new to our content management system (CMS) can find the help they need here in a self-directed way.

In this update, we have added various training topics that were missing in the previous Help Centre. We have also replaced tutorials that were out of date. Now you can find detailed, up-to-date instructions for every functionality of CMS, and be ready to up your website management game!

Module-Based, Self-Directed Training

Training topics are now organized into modules, each tackling a group of topics that take you from a new CMS user to a pro! We include step-by-step guides, illustrations, and video tutorials, to accommodate as many learning styles as possible.

This also means CMS training for new users is ultimately flexible, and you can now learn about CMS at your own pace. We’ve also included some optional training exercises to help you practice the skills you learn. Find these under the “Try It Out” heading on each tutorial page.

We recommend new CMS users take this training before reaching out to schedule one-on-one training with our team members.

CMS Training Playground

The CMS Training Playground is a brand-new training site, where you can practice with CMS worry-free. After logging in with your MyCarletonOne password, feel free to test out features, move things around, and generally just explore the tools CMS has to offer.

Access the site by signing in with your MyCarletonOne (MC1) credentials. If you don’t have access to the Playground, contact Web Services to request access.

When you’re done perusing our CMS modules, read about how two fantastic co-op students worked to create them.

“We learned so much about CMS in the process of making these modules and we are super excited to share them with you through these trainings,” say co-op students Krist and Sarah.

Get The IT Support You Need Any Time

In 2021, ITS piloted expanded, after-hours services for those in need of IT assistance. This initiative provides after-hours service to Carleton community members in need of help, such as MC1 password resets, Office 365 advice and guidance regarding ITS services.

While our full-service offering continues to be delivered during the normal operating hours of Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Carleton community members in need of assistance can now contact the Service Desk at any time to get assistance and advice.

This is a 10-month pilot program that will run until September 2022, after which the need for expanded service hours will be assessed and a permanent after-hours service offering considered. This pilot project has been made possible in close consultation with CUPE 2424.

This story is a part of ITS’s Year in Review for 2021/22. Read more at our Year in Review homepage, or follow along on Twitter using the hashtag #ITSYearinReview. Thanks for reading!