Jewish Spaces, Jewish Places

Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference in Jewish Studies

Max and Tessie Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa

February 9, 2012, 9:30 am-5:15 pm, Dunton Tower, 2017

Keynote Lecture: Professor Michael Meng, Clemson University, “Jewish Spaces in Twentieth-Century Europe”, 4:00 pm, Dunton Tower 2017

The Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies at Carleton University is proud to announce the second annual interdisciplinary graduate student conference in Jewish Studies, to be held on February 9, 2012.

The conference aims to explore the plurality and diversity of Jewish spaces and places, past and present, with a particular focus on the socio-cultural processes of how Jews construct space and/or mark place.

Dr. Michael Meng, Assistant Professor of History at Clemson University and author of Shattered Spaces: Encountering Jewish Ruins in Postwar Germany and Poland(Harvard University Press, 2011), will present a keynote lecture on the topic of “Jewish Spaces in Twentieth-Century Europe.”

Sponsored by the Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies; the M.A. Program in Religion and Public Life; the Faculty for Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs; and the Campus Outreach Lecture Program of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, supported by the generosity of the David & Judith Ganz Fund, A Donor Advised Fund of Combined Jewish Philanthropies.

Please click here to download a preliminary program.

This year’s conference will also coincide with a travelling exhibit “Names Instead of Numbers,” which will be hosted by the History Department with the support of the Zelikovitz Centre from February 9-March 9, 2012. The exhibit highlights the biographies of twenty-two prisoners of the former Dachau concentration camp, drawn from the Dachau Remembrance Book project. The Remembrance Book project is a collaboration of several non-profit organizations to document the biographies of former camp inmates. Students, adults and relatives of former prisoners participated in the project of reconstructing and commemorating prisoners’ life stories. For more information on the exhibit, please click here.