
Sephardic Literary Studies and Comparative
Methodologies in Iberia and the Americas

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Institute for Sephardic Studies, CUNY Graduate Center

365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY USA


Monique Balbuena (U Oregon)
Ruth Behar (U of Michigan)
Sarah Phillips Casteel (Carleton U)
Michelle Hamilton (UCLA)
Dalia Kandiyoti (CUNY-College of Staten Island)
Laura Leibman (Reed College)
Tabea Linhard (Washington U)
Ronnie Perelis (Yeshiva University)
Erin Graff Zivin (U of Southern California)

This workshop will explore how Sephardic literary and cultural studies engages issues of colonialism, postcolonialism, and diaspora. The focus will be on the circulation of these concepts and theories in the literary and cultural study of Sephardism in and out of Jewish contexts from Iberia to the Americas. How do Sephardic history and experience inform colonial, postcolonial, and diasporic contexts? Conversely, what theories and methods from postcolonial and diaspora studies do we deploy in investigating Sephardic literature and culture? What are the benefits as well as challenges that attend Sephardic literary and cultural studies’ engagements with these other fields?

Sponsored by:

The Institute for Sephardic Studies, CUNY Graduate Center
The Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies, Carleton University
The Centre for Transnational Cultural Analysis, Carleton University