048-14 Topics in Judaism posterRELI 2842 Topics in Judaism: Judaism on the Fringe Historical and contemporary Judaisms outside the mainstream w/ Dr. Lillooet Nordlinger Have you ever wondered what a crypto Jew is? Or heard that polygamy is still practiced among some Jews? Or seen posters of the white-bearded and twinkly-eyed Lubbavitcher rebbe and thought what’s that all about? Throughout history, Jews living in the diaspora have interacted with and adjusted to their larger host societies in diverse ways. This course will introduce you to Jewish communities whose histories diverge and intertwine with mainstream Judaism.  Guaranteed learning, guaranteed fun! When: July 03-August 15, 2014 Mondays & Wednesdays from 18:05-20:55 Register today online @ www.carleton.ca/summer  If you have any questions, please visit the Registrar’s Office in 300 Tory Building or contact the Registrar’s Office at 613-520-3500