My DFL placement this year is with the Soloway Jewish Community Centre’s aftercare program. Every week, I work in administration as well as spend 2.5 hours with the children in the aftercare program. In my administrative position, I am working on membership appreciation and outreach. Each month has a specific theme, and I am in charge of raising awareness and creating unique and interesting activities. In the aftercare program, I work with and support the full-time teachers in the room. They serve as models for my own behaviour and can provide me with real-time advice.

I chose this placement because it matches perfectly with my interests. I am in my third year in Child Studies at Carleton University and I will be pursuing a field involving childhood education after I graduate. I love working with children because I think that they are creative and curious in a way that adults are not. Therefore, I think that as adults we have a lot to learn from children’s unique viewpoints. I am also excited that the aftercare program provides me with the opportunity to learn about and employ different pedagogies in a hands-on and interactive manner. So, my placement at the JCC has provided me with a unique opportunity for personal learning and growth.

Furthermore, the administration position is interesting and challenging for me, as it pushes me out of my comfort zone. I have never had the opportunity to plan and implement programming on this scale so I am looking forward to continuing my placement in this position.

Additionally, I chose my placement with the JCC because I am honoured work within the Jewish community. I believe that fostering children’s social and emotional growth is especially important in the context of Jewish knowledge. For example, I attended a similar aftercare program when I was a child and I believe that it benefitted me immensely. Jewish programs serve as the foundation for later Jewish and personal exploration. The JCC’s aftercare program gives children the chance to develop interpersonal skills, engage in free and structured play, and learn about Jewish holidays and traditions through fun activities. Creating connections with the Jewish community at a young age allows children to feel a sense of belonging that is essential across their lifespans.

As well, my participation at this internship allows me to expand my understanding of and influence upon the Jewish community. In my first year at university, I found it very difficult to stay in touch with my Jewish culture. I didn’t know what services or supports were available to me, so when I heard about the DFL program I was extremely interested in working as an intern. I think it’s extremely important to provide opportunities for Jewish enrichment for students so I’m very proud to be an intern this year.

I am extremely thankful to the DFL program for providing me with the opportunity to intern at the JCC.

Dayna Goldfarb