CHES is pleased to note that thanks to our on-going advocacy, the demand for speakers in educational intuitions has increased considerably, with recent requests coming from as far away as Brockville and Kingston.

Kingston is an interesting example of how CHES fulfills its mission. We were approached by a Melissa Greenberg, a concerned parent, and by Talya McKenna, the principal of Kingston Collegiate and Vocational Institute (KCVI). Both were at a loss trying to deal with an increase in anti-Semitism in their city.

Dr. Robert Ehrenreich of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, who visited us in Ottawa last week, agreed, on the spur-of-the-moment, to travel to Kingston on our behalf. He did so on November 6th, where he addressed over 100 students at the KCVI and over 135 students at Queen’s University. We thank Robert for taking up this important call on our behalf.

On November 13th, David Moskovic (one of the survivors whose testimonial CHES recorded in 2016) travelled to Kingston. While there, David gave two presentations; over 900 KCVI students attended. We received excellent feedback from the principal, the students, and from David. All students were grateful for the opportunity to meet him and David’s presentation clearly left a profound impact in the life of these students.

CHES thanked Ms. McKenna for making this a priority for her teachers and students. CHES is pleased to have been able to assist the principal in this important educational task.

November 6, 2018: From left to right: Katherine Graham-Burra (history/civics teacher), Rabbi Erin Polansky, our guest Dr. Robert Ehrenreich, Ms. Stephanie Howie (history /leadership teacher), VP Margaret Connelly

November 6, 2018: Dr. Robert Ehrenreich from the US Holocaust Memorial Museum visits the Kingston Collegiate and Vocational Institute.

November 13, 2018: David Moskovic, a Holocaust survivor, gives a presentation at the Kingston Collegiate and Vocational Institute to over 900 students.

November 13, 2018: David Moskovic, a Holocaust survivor, talks with students at the Kingston Collegiate and Vocational Institute.