Excerpt from cija.ca/weremember:

“Together, let us remember those brutally murdered by the Nazi regime and join as one to reaffirm our collective commitment to ‘Never Again’.

We invite you to a memorial to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day where we will pause to remember the millions of Holocaust victims and renew our commitment to speak out against antisemitism, hate and genocide. During the memorial, we will join with the World Jewish Congress in a global effort to make a unique and unforgettable statement that demonstrates that the six million Jews murdered in the Shoah remain in our hearts and in our collective memory.

Please join us at Ottawa City Hall to make history and be part of what we hope will be the largest organized global Holocaust commemoration ever.

Where: Jean Pigott Place, Ottawa City Hall
When: Friday, January 26th at 12 P.M.

“We Remember” is a global campaign to encourage millions of people to photograph themselves holding “We Remember” signs which they can upload to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with the hashtag #WeRemember.”