Congratulations to longtime friend and supporter of the Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies and the Developing Future Leaders Program, Steven Kimmel, who was just awarded the Gilbert Greenberg Distinguished Leadership Award.

The Gilbert Greenberg Distinguished Leadership Award is the highest tribute which the Ottawa Jewish Community can bestow on an individual, honouring a lifetime of leadership in the Jewish world. Nominations are solicited every second year.

A native to Ottawa, Steven Kimmel graduated from Hillel Academy and became involved in Jewish community work at a young age, beginning with BBYO and USY. After joining Agudath Israel in 1991, Steven became active on the board of directors and was president from 2003 to 2005. In 1995, Steven and his wife Shelli went on a UJA young leadership mission, which inspired Steven to get involved with UJA in a number of roles, including becoming a canvasser. Steven chaired the Annual Campaign in 2007-2008. Following that, Steven joined the board of the Jewish Federation of Ottawa in 2009, serving as chair from 2013-2015. Steven is still a dedicated canvasser and this past year took an active role to help the fund-matching campaign. Steven joined the family business at a young age and is now president of Westboro Flooring & Décor. Outside of the Jewish community, Steven optimizes his company’s position in the business community to support various initiatives including but not limited to Christie Lake Camp, the YMCA, the NAC, the Ottawa Heart Institute and the Ottawa Food Bank. He is married to Shelli Wittes Kimmel and has three daughters, Leora, Ariella and Dalia, and son-in-law, Ben, and granddaughter, Avie.