The editorial team of Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes is pleased to announce the online publication of Volume 30.

Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal devoted to original scholarship that illuminates any, and all aspects of the Canadian Jewish experience. Published annually since 1993 and bi-annually since 2019 by the Association for Canadian Jewish Studies / l’Association d’études juives canadiennes (ACJS/Aéjc), the electronic version of journal is free and accessible at Print copies are available to members of the Association, or by special order here:


Christopher Chanco: Refugees, Humanitarian Internationalism, and the Jewish Labour Committee of Canada 1945–1952

Guillaume Durou: « Contre tous les youpins du monde » : la ville de Québec au temps de l’antisémitisme (1890–1914)

Robert Brym, Rhonda Lenton: Jewish Religious Intermarriage in Canada

Yolande Cohen: Enclaves ethniques et stratégies résidentielles des Juifs à Toronto et Montréal

John Cappucci: Believe, Pray, and Obey: Three Indicators of Religiosity in a Jewish Canadian Community

Christian RobitailleTime Preference and Religious Affiliation in Canada: A Quantitative Analysis

Translation / Traduction 

Laura Wiseman: Introduction to Yampolsky’s “Letters from Canada” in Ha-Dror


Amir Lavie: Introduction

Morton Weinfeld: Reflection

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus 

Olivier Bérubé-Sasseville: Review: Pierre Anctil. “A Reluctant Welcome for Jewish People: Voices in Le Devoir’s Editorials, 1910–1947” 

J.L. Granatstein: Review: Robert Teigrob. “Four Days in Hitler’s Germany: Mackenzie King’s Mission to Avert a Second World War”

Jack Lipinsky: Review: Arthur Ross. “Communal Solidarity: Immigration, Settlement, and Social Welfare in Winnipeg’s Jewish Community, 1882–1930”

Jessica Roda: Review: Ayala Fader. “Hidden Heretics. Jewish Doubt in the Digital Age”

David Weinfeld: Review: David S. Koffman. “The Jews’ Indian: Colonialism, Pluralism, and Belonging in America”