Our department hosts a full colloquium series every Fall and Winter semester, featuring exciting speakers from a variety of philosophical subfields. The colloquium can also be taken as a graduate level course (PHIL 5701/5751), where our M.A. students prepare for talks with assigned readings and then subsequently write papers on the talks.
Register for the Colloquium series by filling out the form here, and check out the archives for previous Colloquia here.
Current Colloquium Series
January 17
Rob Stainton
Western University
On the Autonomy of Knowledge of Language
3220 RB
February 28
Natalie Stoljar
McGill University
Title TBD
3220 RB
March 7
EPAF Conference
Patti Tamara Lenard
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa
“Refugees in our City: The Impact of their Displacement on our Public Spaces”
Time TBD
Dunton Tower 2017
March 14
Tad Zawidzki
George Washington University
Title TBD
3220 RB
March 21
Elliott Samuel Paul
Queen’s University
Title TBD
3220 RB
Colloquium Archives
Fall 2024 Colloquium
September 20th
Josh Redstone
Carleton University
“Empathy with Social Robots: Perspectives from Philosophy”
3220 RB
October 11
Alexander Klein
McMaster University
“The Bodily Basis of the Feeling of Effort: Condemned to Repeat the Past?”
3220 RB
October 18
Sara Aronowitz
University of Toronto
“Towards a Bounded Rationality of Reversal Learning”
3220 RB
November 8
Jonathan Simon
Université de Montréal
“The Moral Case for the Determinacy of Consciousness”
3220 RB
November 21
World Philosophy Day!
5:30pm -7:30pm
2017 DT
The speakers:
Shireen Hassim (History and African Studies, Carleton), specializes in feminist theory and African politics,
Roopen Majithia (Philosophy, Mount Allison) specializes in Indian philosophy,
Eric Hutton (Philosophy, University of Utah) specializes in Chinese philosophy
Winter 2024 Colloquium
January 26
Sean J. McGrath
Memorial University
“The Sclerosis of Sense: On the Marginalization of Primordial Symbols”
2017 Dunton Tower
February 9
Nick Treanor
University of Edinburgh
“On the Very Idea of an Elite Conceptual Scheme”
3038 Nicol Building
March 1
Marie-Pier Lemay
Carleton University
“Responsive Solidarity and the Global Movement Against Gender-Based Violence.”
4040 Nicol Building
March 8
Jennifer Llewellyn
Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia Restorative Justice Community University Research Alliance
“Restorative Justice and the Transformation of Criminal Justice & Public Safety”
2017 Dunton Tower
March 21
Martha M. Ertman (University of Maryland) and Jiří Přibáň (Cardiff University)
“Reimagining the Social Contract: Perspectives from Legal Philosophy”
Pigiarvik (ᐱᒋᐊᕐᕕᒃ) 608 (Senate Room)
Fall 2023 Colloquium
September 22
Deborah Poff
Editor, Journal of Scholarly Publishing, Past Chair, Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
Misconduct and Publication Ethics: From Ordinary Forms of Discrimination to the Ethically Opaque World of AI
Ottawa time: 1:00pm
3224 Richcraft Hall
October 20
Kerry O‘Neill
McMaster University
Conditional Cash Transfers as Third-party State Exploitation
Ottawa time: 1:00pm
3224 Richcraft Hall
November 3
Kevin Lande
York University
The Spatial Unity of Perception
Ottawa time: 1:00pm
3224 Richcraft Hall
November 17
Special World Philosophy Day Colloquium
Todd Calder
Saint Mary’s University
Evil, Wrongdoing, and Vice
Ottawa time: 1:00pm
3224 Richcraft Hall
December 1
Alice MacLachlan
York University
So You [Don’t] Want to Publicly Shame
Ottawa time: 1:00pm
3224 Richcraft Hall
Winter 2023 Colloquium
January 27
Tim Kenyon
Brock University
Two Puzzles About Critical Thinking
Ottawa time: 2:30 P.M.
3201 Richcraft Hall
February 10
Matthew Scarfone
Carleton University
Disunified Moral Judgements
Ottawa time: 1:00 P.M.
1200 Richcraft Hall
March 10
Jing Iris Hu
Concordia University
De-Stigmatizing Shame
Ottawa time: 1:00 P.M.
1200 Richcraft Hall
March 24
Marleen Rozemond
University of Toronto
Anne Conway’s Rejection of Dualism
Ottawa time: 1:00 P.M.
1200 Richcraft Hall
March 31
Myrto Mylopoulos
Carleton University
Skilled Action Guidance: A Problem for Intellectualism about Skill
Ottawa time: 1:00 P.M.
1200 Richcraft Hall
Fall 2022 Colloquium
October 7
Andrew Brook
Carleton University
Transcendental Mind and Intelligible Mind
Ottawa time: 1:05 P.M.
Online (via Zoom): Register below for link
October 21
Bryan Mukandi
University of Queensland
What if they’re doing it wrong?: Ngũgĩ’s Globalectics in philosophy
Ottawa time: 1:05 P.M.
3228 Richcraft Hall
November 11
Iwao Hirose
McGill University
Restricting Freedom During a Pandemic
Ottawa time: 1:05 P.M.
3228 Richcraft Hall
November 18
Amandine Catala
Université du Québec à Montréal
Keynote of the 2022 EPAF Graduate Conference and World Philosophy Day
Ottawa time: 4:00 P.M.
2017 Dunton Tower
December 2
Dalitso Ruwe
Queen’s University
What’s the Price for a Black Man’s Life? : Racial Misandry in the Aftermath of Black Male Death in the Age of Black Lives Matter
Ottawa time: 1:05 P.M.
3228 Richcraft Hall
Winter 2022 Colloquium
January 18
Anna Alexandrova
University of Cambridge
Democratising Measurement: or Why Thick Concepts Call for Coproduction
Ottawa time: 11:00 A.M.
January 28
Annette Dufner
University of Bonn
Ethical Priority Issues during the Pandemic
Ottawa time: 1:00 P.M.
February 11
Juliana Bidadanure
Stanford University
Justice Across Ages: What Does it Mean to Treat Young and Old as Equals?
Ottawa time: 1:00 P.M.
March 4
Anne Eaton
University of Illinois, Chicago
How to do Things With Pictures
Ottawa time: 1:00 P.M.
March 25
Dale Turner
University of Toronto
“Words are Deeds”: Indigenous Spirituality and Visions of Reconciliation
Ottawa time: 1:00 P.M.
Fall 2021 Colloquium
October 1
Cressida Heyes
University of Alberta
Raising the Autonomous Individual: Reading Advice to Parents about Children’s Sleep
Ottawa time: 1:00 P.M.
October 15
Adam Hosein
Northeastern University
Individualist and Structural Approaches to Discrimination
Ottawa time: 2:00 P.M.
November 4
Vanessa Watts
McMaster University
Indigenous Politics and the Academy: Who gets to know?
Ottawa time: 2:30 P.M.
November 19
Jane Friedman
New York University
The Aim of Inquiry?
Ottawa time: 1:00 P.M.
December 10
Anton Ford
The University of Chicago
The Objectification of Agency
Ottawa time: 1:00 P.M.
Winter 2021 Colloquium
January 14
Colin Klein
Australian National University
“Computation is medium-independent, but computational explanation is not”
Ottawa time: 4:00 P.M.
January 29
Hayley Clatterbuck
University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Learning Incommensurate Concepts”
Ottawa time: 3:00 pm
March 5
Myisha Cherry
University of California, Riverside
“Racialized Forgiveness”
Ottawa time: 1:00 pm
March 12
Ian Phillips
Johns Hopkins
“Are we all animals?”
Ottawa time: 1:00 pm
March 26
Carissa Veliz
University of Oxford
“The Importance of Privacy”
Ottawa time: 1:00 pm
Fall 2020 Colloquium
October 2
Jennifer Corns
University of Glasglow
“Suffering as Significantly Disrupted Agency”
Ottawa time: 2:00 P.M.
October 23
Lisa Shapiro
Simon Fraser University
“Canon, Gender, and Historiography”
Ottawa time: 1:00 P.M.
November 13
Regina Rini
York University
“Moral Justification Under Oppression”
Ottawa time: 3:30 P.M.
December 4
Monique Deveaux
University of Guelph
“Grounding normative theorizing in concrete justice-seeking struggles”
Ottawa time: 1:00 P.M.
Winter 2020 Colloquium
January 17
Christopher Byrne
St. Francis Xavier University
“Matter & Teleology in Aristotle’s Natural Philosophy”
January 31
Heidi Maibom
University of Cincinnati
“Why perspective taking?”
February 7
Marguerite Deslauriers
McGill University
As part of the “Women in the History of Ideas” Series, co-hosted with the Department of Political Science
“Arguing for the Superiority of Women in the Seventeenth Century”
March 20
Regina Rini
York University
“Moral Justification Under Oppression”
Fall 2019 Colloquium
Joshua Shepherd
Carleton University
“Skill and Knowledge”
Grace Helton
Princeton University
“Doxastic Approaches to Perception”
Jacob Beck
York University
“Perception Is Analog: The Argument from Weber’s Law”
**OCTOBER 31**
Ami Harbin
Oakland University
Third Annual PIPR Conference
Jacob Berger
Lycoming College
“A New Functionalist Theory Of Color“
Melissa Frankel
Carleton University
“Materialism, immaterialism, and scepticism about the external world”