Communication and media studies faculty member Dr. Sarah Smith and co-author Dr. Carla Taunton (NSCAD University) were awarded the Canadian Studies Network/Réseau d’études canadiennes (CSN-RÉC) Prize for Best Article Published in the Journal of Canadian Studies. This prize is conferred annually to an outstanding scholarly article published in the Journal of Canadian Studies.

Smith and Taunton’s article “Unsettling Canadian Heritage: Decolonial Aesthetics in Canadian Video and Performance Art” examines decolonialism as an aesthetic strategy and was a part of a special issue addressing critical heritage studies in Canada.

In conveying its decision, the CSN-RÉC adjudication committee noted: “Sarah E.K. Smith and Carla Taunton’s article “Unsettling Canadian Heritage: Decolonial Aesthetics in Canadian Video and Performance Art” (vol. 52, no.1) showcases the work of artists Leah Decter, Jacqueline Hoàng Nguyêñ, and Caroline Monnet. Smith and Taunton examine the ways that elements of Canadian heritage such as the canoe, the Centennial, and NFB video archives are taken up in the work of these three artists. The authors argue that these contemporary art practices expand heritage away from closed nationalist narratives and toward decolonial aesthetics that centre settler accountability and Indigenous resurgence. In drawing together contemporary art and settler colonial studies, the article provides new insight into the possibilities and limitations of heritage studies.”

Thursday, September 10, 2020 in , ,
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