Trish Audette-Longo has been awarded one of Carleton University’s teaching awards recognizing new faculty members who display innovative, unique or engaging teaching techniques during their first five years of service.

Audette-Longo has made significant contributions to Carleton’s journalism curriculum, has conducted ground-breaking research on journalism pedagogy, developed new teaching tools and workshops for students and faculty, helped re-fashion existing courses and created a very important new one for first-year Journalism students, all the while delivering demanding courses across our curriculum.

Prof. Trish Audette-Longo

Audette-Longo took the lead in helping our team to navigate through the pandemic by adapting how we teach and how our students learn, including the development and delivery of virtual ask-me-anything sessions for all returning undergraduates in the summer of 2020. Her research on pedagogy continues and is directly applied to improving the student experience. She surveyed and interviewed students across the program to better understand how they experienced online journalism training during the pandemic. That work has also been turned into a special issue of the journal Facts & Frictions on journalism education and pandemic pedagogy.

Audette-Longo has also taken the lead in developing online risk and digital security tools for use across the journalism curriculum at Carleton and more broadly. She successfully used a teaching fellowship to create and deliver three workshops for faculty and students on fostering digital security skills. She also developed and delivered an innovative series of soft skills workshops for journalism undergraduates called “J-School in the Real World.”

Audette-Longo proposed, developed and delivered a new first-year course JOUR1004: Writing with Style, aimed at building the writing skills of our incoming students. She also revamped our graduate-level advanced writing course by connecting students with the work of the international Climate Disaster Project. Students learned about trauma-informed interviewing by interacting with climate disaster survivors. She also has an exemplary record in hiring and mentoring students for ongoing research and course development projects, shepherding two SAPP students, three i-CUREUS recipients and three research assistants.

“It came as no surprise to me to hear that Trish has been recognized with the new faculty teaching award. We’re lucky to have her,” said Allan Thompson, the Director of the School of Journalism and Communication and Journalism Program Head.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023 in
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