Predicting the Future in the Arab World

“Before the Arab Spring, things were easy to predict. It was like clockwork.”

– Nahlah Ayed, CBC correspondent

Nahlah Ayed, CBC correspondentBy following journalism’s core tenets—being there, bearing witness, talking to those involved and reporting what was seen, heard and understood—the CBC’s Nahlah Ayed has consistently succeeded in explaining the Middle East and its ever-changing politics to the audience in Canada.

She also did that for the audience at the 15th Annual Kesterton Lecture. With Arab Spring came hope, she told the crowd—but with the hope came the realization that obstacles would not be brushed aside so easily. It made an already complex part of the world even more difficult to read.

Ayed belongs to the School’s Master of Journalism Class of ’97. She is based in London for CBC’s The National.

March 11, 2014

From the Carleton Newsroom

“The Middle East is a region that grows more complex by the day, said CBC foreign correspondent Nahlah Ayed.

“It has become much more difficult to predict what’s happening in the Middle East,” she said. “It’s not the same region it was three, four, five years ago.””

Read the full story by Kristy Strauss

From The Charlatan

“State media control, a problem Ayed said hits close to home, has become so pervasive that signals for television shows critical of the status quo, such as that of popular Egyptian satirist Bassem Youssef, are jammed.”

Read the full story by Cassie Hendry